
Thursday, 29 August 2024

Nomadland is a sexist fraud


Which i DO care about, immensely, in that mass culture, is who humanity is, and the signals within that 'best film' oscar winner, are 100% the exact opposite  of what  women living in vans ALWAYS  tell me to my face over 20+ years of encountering many.

It prostituted itself upon the discarded,  fossilised, blooded tampon of sexist false pity for the 'poor' vanwoman at the heart of it......  

And the ' communities' shown were sometimes angsty and subtly self pitying, too....  

when i have never seen one slither of self pity in any real van peeps nor angsty behaviour

 ( unless at fake mindful 'retreats' such as Hollybush by Hay-on-wye  grom 2007ish .. run by a  second sighted tarot tartin' " wise woman[sic]" as per her  business card .

...prior to her being deported for stealing money [ from 6 in her care as 'carer' she manipulated to 'invest' in her utopian we-are-wise,  community...] to make ' community'...... that didnt last as within 6 months none of her 'community' ever dare return to ask for their cashback.....  ( they didnt get her for, but did,  for endless kitchen and vat regs violations)  )

video not ready til 0830ish

The van mode

 ( not so much 'van' or 'nomad', rather being aside the cant and vanity 

of bourgeois

 psychodrama addicted

 modern humanity) is the 


And gives actual real ' pace' to regain, then retain, real balance.

Never mind actual ' mindfulness' 

NTS: Write better longer essay at a later date.

And time for some guest appearences, soon....

BUT what is interesting.... really interesting...

As an asidist, all my life.. one has a quite good sense - 'intuition' of the zen unmindful of 'vibrations' manifesting within... even some of the hot yoga 'lotus eating' middle class, 350quid weekend  workshop attending,  frauds....  often Teletubbied out of their minds  on faux 'spiritiality' or other trendy bullshit

( shitting in Gwerk gateways i bet, too)

... some.... especially the Waitrose bag class.... i sense nowadays a curiosity... previously where there was only a steely,   or 10 grand marble kitchen worktop, countenance behind their upturned Shrimptonesque nose....

.... no, theyre...

 Its really noticeable... how the  Madame Bovarites or whatever one wishes to call those whom  Stendhal magnificently satarised, centuries ago.... 

...  i can read and resonate manifestly with  their real

 ' vibrations' ... 

" fuckit....i am so bored and sick of my litttle fake  newclothes, fakewellness,  princessy, cleancar,  life ....  maybe.... one day...

"hmmmm.... he seems rather content, and fully engaged even with us ....... doesnt smell that bad, either...[ even on the yestertrack....' you'll think i'm following you hahh hahh... ] "

if only they 'met' the real nomadbabes of the old vans.... i know..... guaranteed, ... " change" .. the real version

end of van section, for now... cos its STAYING FIT and 'mindful' of being matter what... by loads of  mindsawayed KM every week meanderloping the tracks 

and even the odd lushious  salt lick ( she will laugh* at)

that is all i really care about

and have many more vidclips to upload.....  from.salty paradise

*But.... ' letting go' " creatively"...i know yesteraft she told the truth even if it must be snapchat style...

And here's what real minfulness is ( Gurdjieff's  'shock' + years in the figurative desert....but also un a shamefully write ALL your crazy 'shit'... )

I couldnt make anyone laugh a decade simply was not in me....  until, i "changed"...evolved, grew up...all the way...  by letting go all the way

that yesteraft text was an autorespond.... true creativity,  no aforethought, just riff...... surf the crazy real liminal space.......if she were honest and similarly fullsome,  she would have added 'nearly peed in my pants'... but i do know the "LOL!!!!" was... sincere


 will write, all the way day.
