
Saturday, 24 August 2024

no cheap clicks here...

 no grooming anyone online, even by " hey do you want to know the truth about your beloved Stevie.. bet most of you are in the Animal Liberation front or whatever cruel sports inc...yet more diversification rather than just ONE 'green' group we knew decades ago was needed... nope not in UK.. every little egomaniac ever goes and does his or her 'we'thing...wee...exactly....the reason the environment is fucked.... . " 

But... all that matters is actual art if no one ever DOES anything except each run their dozens of duplicated back offices any actual 'action' requires... 

I'm sure Fergal inc has a huge one the amount of money they spend on their photoshoots...

(while Alan the steward of the Warren-by-Wye wildflower huge meadow killed himself 2004ish... maybe 5 already aware that every single Jenny come lately was ...unreal.... didnt help him try and stand up against that bonkers  deliberate act of wildflower an official worthypeeps....  'Trust'.... )

However... even if i must go back into my shell, for a while, as summer is for being outdoors....  without the compulsory new clothing here... and all those t shirts logo'd as if Naomi Klein had never existed... 

And they hadnt 'skimmed' it when given it for crimbo...

The Perfect DAy...  now i have a loose posse of 4 van women...  except my mode is ghost, cos theirs is too...  especially if they get a text from me 9 months ago " ehhh luv... despite Christian pretense, you inherited 50 grand of dads dosh.. thats why YOU can be so footloose and uncaring, free.. and not care about house rental prices no other sane  country in Europe would put up with " is of course grounds for cancellation... but then van peeps sometimes just rember their bible about 'cant and vanity' and every day is a new day and indeed wave and smile are nudged into " well... ehhh.... the cancelled cant-say-that bish here she told me how her church DID once run a fully funded ACLU real grown up 'community' office where they assisted with legal claims ref housing etc... and its HARD work...not for chubby old volunteers who advertise free cake everywhere... nope hard work over years at times... maybe your fake church should have ago.."  gets a remarkable zone of interest...

But yesterdusk... on the cliff...right at the edge.... 

If there is one conversation that Poliakoffically sums up all of this century... all... with the Northern van woman... 

" oh yes so whats this ahayyooo stuff i roam scotland and they seem to be setting up all sorts of retreats there... ?"

"ehhh...something we grew out of about age 17 after 3 or 4 bags of mushroom tea.... where you get this marijuanic    absolutely useless 'insight'  some call the paranoias as we used to...  where yes you may glimpse the odd inconsistency in your so called character and freak out a bit about it.. then about a day later youve forgotten anything, vaguely useful or half true,  as all these drugs are such a thing all they ever do is show off with drug talk about their insights rather than ever DO anything...and at a grand or more a holiday trip...not surprising they cannot afford the stamps to write regular letters to their MP to actually threaten her him with a challenge if they dodnt DO something other than go to the same tennis club as CArgill... 

"Nope they blame someone else...anyone but themselves for being a bit to wasted or uncreative as no drugs make you creative, ever... and failing to do the uncreative really hard dull work of holding greedy corporate or neighbour down-the-road with too small a shit account... ... and they wouldnt even ponder the poor bloke gotta mop up all their vomit may not be quite as well fed cos i bet s/he's on a zero hour contract the 'shamans' ...ohh the photos it cracks me up.... !!!!    ... problem really really has become almost universal now this soma enema addiction... and is also the 'zeitgeist'... google 'ignatieff hay festival' and this comes up god almighty...*&

their smug perfect posturing wouldnt be quite so upright if they knew most of the recycling was chucked in lanfill despite the mass signage about how pure they all are...  i know as my sort of friend was in charge of it.. him yet another space cadet pretending he had morals...  while killing our ferret we had passed on to him for a child...   being it needed to 'manifest its true divine free animal spirit' .. and be free even after being told nicely if they get free they die a very long painful death of starvation as they dont know how to hunt 


he will actually be in that picture, above... they all make sure theyre in the right pics...

But i haven't even the Northern Van woman expressed her hilarious disdain for the pseuds....EVERYwhere... especially in her own profession.. despite a few eves ago i unusually told a silly snotty one what i thought...

But most important of all..

reading if anyone still does, aREAL book...

(proof of sexism, no man could get away ...ever.... with weaving in to his so gorgeous poetical treatise in her Mars Room.. the manifesto words of a genuinely guilty mass murderer called Mister loonyBomber ...  but La Kush....  take her rather dystopian ending a bit glum... even if it features lots of light.... in my version, came true yestereve...  the condemned...she climes up the chopper rope ladder and in stead of chucking  a spanner in their blades... offers to help service it as she hears one of the motor seems a bit vibrating with the wrong 'vibration'...and she doesnt want anyone hurt ever.. even her hurter ...

and she.. my 'her',  here...smiled... she got it: vanpeeps have NO enemies ever..

And Nomadland the worst kind of art ever... a total fraud.. confected fakery of the worst degree... the exact OPPOSITE of what a bit of being ASIDE is about...

....  not that i like machines but the van ones are just about the only "humans" left...  fairly bright eyes at least some of the timetoo...

(sexiest one by far round here - skinny supermodel type....walks sometimes the lanes ....  she has nothing but nice things to say to me..face to face...i long pondered are they true? now ...only lastereve really i know she was, right, too... )


... right the end..of the beginning, even if there is no point writing or saying anything ever i know i am not a fool, sometimes..

but a week of loading...up

video from years ago....and more from an almost perfect month.... 

Now..i have...



(even if....nohhhh... its not possible....  his thought for saving MY wildspace.... sortarewilded place...  could he?)