Sunday 25 August 2024

"Like Louise always said"


So, this Louise i know she  said what she means and really DID mean what she said...

At the cliff-edge...

A year or more, 'studying' (nomads merely people watch, thats an honourable profession, i know i have done it all my adult life) them at their liff edges, most would call themselves middle class, or at least wear the expensive adventure clothing for an hour out in the countryside... 

I realised yesteraft THE word 'cartoon'... every one is out of a cartoon  (especially, but not quite him with his knee brace, thing is..he alone...even if he fights me blessis big fat mong bum..he did indoctrinate himself with SOME real poetry... he was theretoo at he said...and because he may have been, he doesnt feel o'fence when he is querrulously rejoindered "only cos some rich bit*ch liked your Beautiful Laundrette effnic looks so hired you as her rickshaw down from Nottingham-on-fairytale Sherriff town... all you all care about is money")  ) 

Anyway at least he knows that "words have two meanings dont you know.."  - even the feyboys from Birmingham managed to figure THAT out... so they could afford fake countryman cottages in The Marches of 'Wales'... yet another sales job, fake PR load of codswallop rebranding onesself as something that they couldnt even see...... 

I could... seeing just how fake was their tour manager ...  and especially his trophy one...

Thirty years ago... dropping out 95% from ALL Southern activity ever money - leaving the rat race or just suburbs with nothing.... to be even more nothing, and nobody...the 5% being an ocasional pop down to make subsistence living from old career...  you end up with her floating around your extremely old falling to bits rented cottage in The Black Mountains... 

Possibly the most unhappy 'beautiful people' person i ever met..

her antique leather boots even then they all wore, paid for by her fake countrymans habit, of nomadding off to all the cities likely for whores 'n other things .. with his band, to Bea (in BOTH my latest new novels from the charity shop...i cannot escape) away ...from her... None of my biz

if you became NOTHING... by dint of nothing to do or be in a damp old crumbling cottage ...  you arent interested one bit on who payed for her desperate need to still look a classy ex fake hippy chic... 

Even there...

Anyway...  i never even wished to know names of any neighbours and for years couldnt even remember the name for years of the one who had abarn a few km away...

well ferm me... what an effete fool i was never having even thought to look up Mr C...

He was rather actual soul man.... bllody ell...

Not that i would have even been curious about who HE was... cos i knew one of the sycophants from down S ....  the problem always being they had a sort of coterie of loose charmers ...  and one slipped through the fence i had around me, and even was commissioned (" ear 50 quid all we got can you make a little broch in the shape of a ferret ead for err..") to make the only piee of jewellery i have ever had in my life... 

A decade later the original Tom PAul is up in the dock for embezzling babes cash...maybe ... but that he had embezzled his way into Mo's bedroom.. that really was the day the music died... as she was 100% oldschool true sorted woman of the early 80s...  read her Pilger, no nonsense from anyone saw through the whole consumerist bullshit hamster wheel we all saw through 100% .... 

(but then HAmilton, i heard the way he spoke to his previous girlfriend basically his business grooming honeytrap)

None of which i cared about at all even if ity was the first 'wave' of Tom and Tabatha Pauls came 35 years agoish... and they needed the odd Camilla for her daddy's actual mountain of inherited gold...

But all i do care about is the 'words have two meanings' ..or 5 or even 7....

THE only bad decision i ever made in my life....

Having meanderated around the vans of the SW what a bourgeois load of Gwerkian showoffs... it became

 " wow bougie baby.."   *


right this 'accidental cap' , lock... i have to fix it...soon

 NOT her... big flashing red light  (if she does thats her biz...)

NOT.. this one... 

At the cliff edge... is not just words, describing a place, it may also refer to at the edge of death itself... all is dead... 


And then.... 

" ...  have you seen Nomadland... believe me it is ahate crime... it makes out self pity when i have never known avanbabe who has any and anyway van life is about the inverse opposite..."

" yes.. every day i wake up in mine i feel i am alive..back in the smoke... nope.. its not about the smoke of the setting its about...well i just feel alive.."

Like Louise always said at last a trues possible superbest real nonliar... who deserves now to always live in mine memorybanks worthy of her song ...

which probably has about 7 meanings.. the fat mong with his patheti showoff kneebrace at least hewas theretoo and di listen to maybe one verse and understand..

(ripping out the Gwerkian hedgehog day fix needs explaining)


* 2007... Estelle... i saw Page 'n Plant frankly they were a bit wobbly...  but how to make The Ginger [classmate] lose all his hair with alopeciac jealousy...     two grand.. two grand apair... front section......  two grand... i would have to miss a month of rent and ebay our VW type 2.5 old van...  we live our life and and are even more alive in...  i just dont know i cannot decide...  i mean this is history ... i mean Black Crowes are maybe better .. more real spirit of the true soulful bluesman in a way...  i just cannot.... de ...cide!"  Had one known how years on the 'vanlife' was turned into some fuckin one dimensional showoff bourgeois lifestyle statement.... and every Gwerkian Natural STore bag shareholder and sharecropper has JERKED up the price to elistist little daddy'sdosh prices...  

i was...WRONG...

ASnd JK was wrong to even bother...her lines will never get into a REAL song for real men... 

And REAL babes...of 

THE ..van... 

The problemation... is i have a loosest posse...of five now.... But this one...Louise... thirty seven (" i was sure, four")

IS... The Answer.. to the utter Starmeration of a nation of confeted self pity and  [ though the special needs old one says ' feckin Nandy and that Rayner. .. the Northern lasses n lads come to me when excluded...  literally have no grit left innem ... its been washed away with afirehose  by confected pity and made up should have heard what the teachers made the kids do when they were SO HAPPY to come bACK TO SCHOOL AFTER THAT LONG EXTRA HOLIDAY 2021.. THEY MADE THEM STAY APART AND REVELLED IN THE ANGST OF THE PAST AND MADE THE KIDS REMEBER THE BAD TIMES...IT WAS EVIL... ' thATS WHAT ALOCAL AUTHIRITY EMPLOYED real VANBABE SAYS JUST THE EVEBEFORE YEASTSEREVE AT THE CIFF...   .' 

... even  more of AN Answer top the worse film in the history of  confected self pitying rewriting of history...  Like Louise i hope will always say: " as he said, ... he never met one vanbabe ever who  didnt know you WANT to be in this mode... its FOR the tougher times you almost always awake the next day feeling ' wtf great to be still and quiet in my own little space and free to sit and stare at nayccherr all day if i move over there...  blahh blahh.. its ALWAYS agood thing.."

The Louise element just slightly a combination of two chats with two similar true spirits, two consecutive eves... just 200meteres apart......  except, she would have laughed and nodded at every word.... me and the older croneish Northern one... 

But.. HER words...were purest poetry... " I am only living when being alive in my van ..."  i Dylanised just a tad...

 but 'taint fake as i saw her eyes...and she offered her hand.... all, purest equal 'human' foibles no hesitation....