
Wednesday, 21 August 2024

 There is no other way of saying thos, now i know having pondered all summer

so, the absolute impossibility of subtlety in language. No AI is going to ever 'get',  as all of NO I internet gets it wrong, in that being one of these is a nobility....a necessity so as to ensure useful evolution.... Bernhard the famous Nester cared about his society, why he focused his stream of  piss into the nest most specifically of the worst peddlars of cant and vanity: academe and the bourgeois upper middle class, fancypantses...both ' his' people, or nestmates...

 Nestbeschmutzer m (stronggenitive Nestbeschmutzersplural Nestbeschmutzerfeminine Nestbeschmutzerin)

1.   (derogatory) person who denigrates their own family or country