
Sunday, 25 August 2024


 the definition of 'mindfulness' being all total wastes of time.... utter acediac nutjobbery that poisoned all the rivers....  cos if you waste years of your life looking for (as is obviously required as two blokes go and speak with afarmer about how farmer Helen's land perturbated the the scientists said... well, it gets blokey... a woman there on side it may be a"human" Socratic debate.... and nicer... duhhhh... nope waste of time all these male egos that ... i have no idea what they are they are obsolete... the amount of times in the last few years i have woman-saidto..'ONLY womens voices post Don and Wayne have any weight now in society " i dont at and do something about it... herd women to actually say mean what they say and be real allies in REAL DOING stuff....building bridges with toxic farmers...etc.." .nope they just jump on the latest feyboy bandwaggon as he looks good on the screen... 

even if .. all the last 50 years is in one screen how some really really poor lads from the bleakest place in the UK with NOTHING... smiled...

a real smile making REAL art...from nowhere... 

.. what a REAL smile that lad had on his spotty face...

But... even if i knew it then...

The rest of my lifes work will only be...

"Tammy... the words of that Walks for Miles song...   i found amode..or i didnt find it... its there in HArdy.. its there in atual books of theres no other way to get around... meanderlope... dont write abook about it to get fake smiles at HAy Festival... from chubbies... somehow you get in your words exactly the mode... they are quite perfect....  in fact rather sad that you aint Amish all that lippy and fancy hairdo real walkin' babes grew out of cos they never grew into... ... i never even noticed... 
...and she walked for miles not to escape or find...
 ....rhythm of her pace made her mind sway...
...  and she came upon nothing that surprised or disappointed
and she came upon nothing that scared or confronted
and she came upon nothing that was joyful or elating
but she came upon everything that was alright with itself...
no workshop guide shamanic bullshit fakery..or fake naturegirl hashtags.... i have been seeing on Fakebook emanating out of Devon, firstly.... for years....  looking some years ago for real green bridge into
nothing but monetising fakery to look good and then have the 350quid a weekend retreats, claim back the vat for the shit quality polluting new sewerpipes for all those new incomer botties....on 'nature' awaydays.... just like HAy ... from 20 years back...
just perfect, Tamlet....  
every day i walk out from my wonky sick dysfunctional  hamlet
 and ..for years i have been that song... in your words
it is my mode... 
but couldnt ever quite express it all just as you 
have as if there is magic....
all along
And you have put my faith back into looking for some GOOD new art that really does help us be a more useful "human"..." (i aint got time to perfectly alternate ' and " ... such ahurry... the last of summer...)

(i need to cliffjump as i simply cannot describe the random just luck-delight at that photo... the internal energy and i never usually even look at my photos... " but i dont want to be in the picture" and the real Louise in a hurry off to her time to even ponder what is in the frame...her having wanted with real delight to show me all her bougie....  interior... )