
Saturday, 10 August 2024

 ...well i never..


( small poem: 

first line

no title 

the " price"

to be



however, really...

to be ambling along ' the' path

merely as it is on my route

And  - i can find them, they invited me... 

and told to anarchistically get in for free


five sirens  dressed in expensive smocks, wallowing in the mud, along comes axemurderer 

" hark.... as you are in a public place, there is a 'moral and ethical' [ the magninicent old crone Jackie  actually c hats me up with personal comment in their square

just before  ' my  born n bred Pastyland lad age 50 is  heading into Europe as he is so lonely for a shagtoo, no woman he ever meets here he says can understand the words effix and morality' ].... 

requirement for you to yell a passing marching  ambler  what on earth you are upto.... and those big expensive cameras dont impress me everyone else i see heretoo has them...and Im not into hard porn either so..prey tell...

[ 10 mins of speechifying... shut the fuck up speechifying..... . she, queen skinny and beautiful muddy siren...  yet another runaway from London a decade or so ago no doubt, faking her enjoyment of mud, for the camera.. for the theme park the whole region is.... she was speechless   as i came on to ]

" ...' shut the fuckup with your ' ' cymru' ... i lived as a youth, there the way  chubby incomming women stole a fake heritage and mined it for local authority grant money... ... total fraud themepark no one knows what Offas dyke is i lived on it high up for 25 ish years.... nor what some mythladen nonsense fair maiden stuff ..king arthur all that bullshit... i am only interested in one word human... 'wales' makes me ill as does the name of this mere county.... but babes mud bathing as i actually lived IN the land as a lad...  they make me very very happy.... they are universal human no name, no nation just dirty...... indeed a tad ' birds and the bees' .... 

" and if you want to know the difference between dead alcoholic,   recent national sportif:  wife beating, language .... 


 and ... my adventure .. a real one, dangerous, many two faces and much hissing...

was saudade ...


let me tell you my last week... and you too you are saudade...  

a woman and a man... fairly naked... figuratively naked... here just nature ... mud all up your thighs.....  your smile is real ok only cos you outnumber me....

saudade is  just maybe

...not finished yet  .. read Pereira Maintains its set in Rua Saudade...   he gets back at the end... the goodness and justice...

of simpler times thought gone...

 he rose above the swamp.... 

and became a bit new.... by knowing what was good... and her coming along again, tjis last week. ....simple, equal, trusting.... ..] ...  

" ... blahh blahh..." 

the official performers had never seen anything like it

Only because, even if list to time, i told one saudade  the " price" i had paid