
Saturday, 17 August 2024

His t-shirt...

 ... kairos ...

" i didn't even notice how you have the great word emblazoned across your chest.."

" too much in utter awe of her... little miss plaster-on-her knee...  


But, mine... other prejudices.

Was it thursdaymidday ..ish...

As if on cue, cueing the end credits a pool cue in the eye...

" you mean the vulnerable people..?!"

Which should merely have an exclamation mark, no question...

In that if one were to listen to, say, Nail Ferguson...  all the warmongers, all the babel voices  .. completely unable to speak of peace and demanding it...  as their wars are so so boring.. been there done that got the tshirt..

Never mind (ohhh to have shot the breeze with Les Fantastigues.... and if there was ever a perfect example of how a shared 'culture' or at least cultural references, is ALL we have... so, be  careful of the culture...

" vous, les fraconophiles, vous avez une bonne culture de l'affirmation de la vie.. ... 'MAINTENANT'...")

These modern day so called sages, simply have no idea whatsoever at all...

The actual war, being the way that the blue, or other kinds of synthetic hair, lot... 

ONLY demand power. Total their-turn, domination...  via shutting down any kind of 'debate' whatsoever, never mind conversation, which may just lead to independently THINKING through for oneself a bit of reality... with their  warmongering ONLY via words.. the word-Ustaše    

And the circle is complete.

Even if a minor reminder of don't prethink anyone as an an individual, even if a whole field of Former Soviet lands (he told me they stile their literature from them) toughguy Rambo giants, wouldnt be able to hold back the total Disneyfying consumerism that took over that region, and then perverted even their far more sane view of human beings through (" i have read almost all modern translated former Soviet literature" )  .. shared grown up oppression..

One could take a few topics. But there is no point, the total Disneyfication won...



.. ok i know you can listen...i am thrilled at your compliment...[ " you are different... we can understand you... often we cannot understand English but you we notice are different... do you read many books? you speak so clearly...?" " yes  but also as i am not a narcissistic cunt in that  i change my language speaking with non-mothertongues..i use far shorter sentences, and simple words, and slow down...  ] .. but how can you understand... for example, sadly, the FSU states are in many ways 40 years behind...  a woman would rightly    tell you to  your face, here, 45 years ago that unless you do half of ALL the housework including washing the dishes... its the chop .. kitchen knife used on bollocks...  and men can look after infants JUST as adequately as women... tit milk bottles invented some decades ago... but above all some of us, 50 years ago...saw through consumerism... and we knew 'less is more'...  

" bu there is the thing, as if to also prove some real equality of spirit and ability that MATTERS...  45 or more years ago... you see you had yes Bulgakov.... 

" and incidentally my previous region far fewer ex South East people - or ex suburbanites...i find it simply astonishing how if one goes for a walk or to a beach i have never seen so much CLOTHING...on the beach... or everyone must have sunglasses, expensive hats, endless branded goods endless neurotic display and coverage... midsummer here !.. weak people must display via something not of their soul and stark naked simple body ....such as these revolting tattoos everywhere...  the inability to go out in summer without a hat i find quite surreal....

" ...  and above all the ILLEGALITY of making ANY comment....  here... i get her now... ...  

" thing is my friend... 45 years ago one artist took your wonderful Bulgarkov on to the next level.. the greatest commentary on the utter theme pakisation that bourgeois  consumer and spazculture... seeded...

 " irony... perfect .... sardonique...   i mean when she first put her Noze above the parapet  thought my my she needs to get out in the light...not exactly a good example of healthy completeness....

" i wander every few weeks to go to the cheap supermarket and [chat WITH magnificent at ease frog birds...]  to the local town and ... smile ...

" one woman had perfect second sight.... and in fact sadly there is proof that art doentt change much....  because every perfect nuance of one perfect artist...



   the most PERFECT use of language - nuanced maybe she means something other... and when Britain was in fact the best in the world....  with words and art and Bulgarkov+... 
but how the fuck do i teach you that?
When the bluehairs have stolen the language only to....  make them LOOK good.....

" and how do i explain to you....  mister powerlifter or utra tatt.... if i had even mentioned reading a REAL book to an English younger man... his vibe would be  that i should be his punchbag.... and i assumed that would be the case with you... and ..  you, first, find a cultral shared human link via your great books...and youve read most of them too....
"Nikolai... i think he would like my line:  there will never be less war and real peace until the FSU states realise Pretty Woman is NOT a documentary..... lusting after consumer goods and the most expensive Rodeo Drive cowboy hats... has a real price...and all the happy hookers in the world cannot afford it, even if every single punter gives them a  free fancy car...nor can the rest of us.. before the stuff fucks the environm,ent, the earning the cash for it, fucks us..inside... you used to know that...i knew your Lermentov...  " 

