
Saturday, 31 August 2024

"ENERGY" [in itacs]


I never pinch anyone elses lines in fact Homer was a drip

unless clearly stated

"...The ghost of 'lectricity howls in the bones of her [YOUR]...face..."

" i simply cannot believe you are a gran .. and your mum is your mum....  well you will have to believe me i am on the same page as your Sean... Mcphillemy .. yes Steaknife was just the sharp tip of it ... we now knows as fact... how the Brits were eggin on the bombers your real great writer Sean changed my life when i unbanned his book in my shop under my counter...

" i just ...bein' prejudiced deep down always forget....  having overheard your accent.. its always bliss to hear REAL VAnnish.... 

" aggyyghhhh...  see i an kindof do it... that Northern drawl.... you lot maybe the very best of Europeans ... so quickly out of the blue goin' from the most backward bad grub laundrettes in Magdelene...  god i ferked up in Sligo  airport one day all the drunks married me to  Audrey of Beezies bar...  and why didnt i say 'yes'!? despite her perfect Eau De Muddy Peat...i thought i was a bit above her..... just a country girl from county nowhere... last laugh on me now....  especially as time after time especially after your Reformation of the early 90s you so leapfrogged into the 22snd C... all in it together no one ares about blood or persuasion...  but its in you ... your simply magnificent wild eyed girl still in you.. even now....  you look SO young deconstructing all the cant and vanity even in this your irrelevant home county.... but look...what happened..i point you to your feet never mind the expensive gloss... the absolute need to keep up with the joneses wicker basket wise... and then your kids they cannot REALLY get arsey as their phone contract depends on their credit score.. that may get a bit battered even a week in H block on an experiential tourist experience...  of course they cannot frighten the horses....  because theyre addicted to everything you have there in my picture....merely as we know we are perfectly on the same page...and there is only one book, Sean's and maybe one day yours too..i hope i do live to read. .. [ 'mum...frig your staying alive genes are the real thing, but not gennetic'] purest vanish.. a REAL one stands up for herself and 

" dernntt yee even make the smallest assumption about me even for yer art....  i can itemise for you the exact charity shop price of everything in my whole bijou boathouse.... that basket  was a fiver... in fact it came via cousin Aemon over on the boat after he charity shopped for it.... "

" i only allow one song in my life about the maybe of it all.....  never mind as no one knows anything metaphysical.... only because i was there about 17 years ago when he  stumbled  onto a stage at HAy Festival rather worse for wear...and came out with it in that perfect real man slur.. ' ferk.. ferk em..all..... ill never be cummin back ear.. the way these Rurperts who run this place treat you with such snotty smileyface... i had  aferkin nuf of the lot of em for a lifetime of real grace..'... 

. ... except after ..

well.. REALLY lovin' your VAn for the first time ever, then, that fact we al;l did cklap and cheer him.... .... i felt privileged someone at last told the truth about the people pleasers acid eyedropped pseuds of that festival.....  they even put a security tail on me once for tweeting the truth about their director...which worked...  thing is.. he didnt remain true...i saw a few years ago that he was back for..more...of their  acedia flavoured bubbling cauldron of alchemised...poison.... me on the other hand, i do recall what i say...and always keep to fact i learned from the real soul, master of manhood.. dont be  aferkin jerk and go back on your word, like him...anyway yes i so agree with you we know SO little about YOU the real you... for example McGuinness and Paisley eventually making up and 'preying' together likely over a pint or two of Guinness behind the altar smokin joints.... yet according to every Rory Stewart and SAm Harris never mind disastrous journalist they believe that  the various conflicts can never be really solved tomorrow by jaw jaw..over a pint and inedible Irish bacon sarnie... even they became edible over time... but no one told anyone here.. thaings REALLY DO...'change'.... as so many did specifically due


your EU

right... got any unmarried twins..or even older sisters if that mum of yours has coerced you all into being...perfect  ...and having REAL 'energy' in your crazy perfect  eyes....they try and sell by Instagram of snakeoil version...  round ear .. ferkin 10 weeks we gotta be fingerprinted.... i aint standing fer that....   .... "