
Friday, 23 August 2024

complexify, to simplify, reprise

 even if i am artistically obscure and cryptic

In a reflection, upon nothing, as when The Wasteland came true, or rather pertained

 only  an absurdist surrealist load of performative pants ( Emir The Serb i think may 'get' it ) indeed can be stated, in a Proustian longwinded stream of  having a concienceness, about the streams buggered,  but there was never any point

( meeting Tuesdaylast just here the 51 year old   extremely intelligent, secondary English teacher and uniquely like-me countrywoman who sleeps in her smelly horse stable with her nags " me... i have given up i dont think there is any hope,  i tjink we already are in the Wasteland dyystopia and i cannot see how my children get out....  and yes it is OUR fault, not that of some politician or corporation....  us.. the parents who have their children at my nice-school... Telletubies one and all as you say... bulimic, addicted to Huxley's tasteless  soma...." )

But that day

It seems like a year away.

What next.

Was impossible.

I told the Steinbecker....

" you said you walk properly..... ohh sorry thats offensive, and gaslighting ... hahhh hahhh... you maight ban me for that... well...  but have you a copy of the pity piece i need to flick through it too...? ... because it ends in death i Me Before You.... please please ...unlike wveryone else of these regions i have a memory rather than butterflybrainitis...... unable to recall what said the day before, as thats how you have to Bee in London.....  i remember you say you dont watch even arthouse film even if Three Colours... some Italians... the Frogs... Rohmer etc really DID change us ...  but  i met some English lit graduates who get it... English Lit has gone Oliphant in the room is only confected self pity ..  they said they adored... i saw their eyes light up with real eyebrightness rather than Ketamine fumes causing  real selfpity ... please watch paraplegic  black man ..... google will LOVE you for about 10 and you can find a pirated  copy ...   you alone i know WILL get it properly...   my Frogs they swear by it....

" this one, 51...  just yesterday...[ ' je t'adore your sexy silvering...' ..  ' its the family business hahh hahh... we all go silverwhite early thirties....  i laugh and cry for those whom fight it....' ]... she quoyed the end of it to me as we meanderloped with her penfriend.....i shant  spoil the ending for you, but... please.... you need to shove it up the tightsphinctered  self pitying de rigeur thats being pimped by your profession....  and change them...  "

no hat to show off with

nor sunglasses..

nor any equipment...

Anf dhe of course, understood...listened, to  the actual saudade...  

As they knew why they were lead role in the actual film of it...

That may get made one day..

its simple

And no undertones.. ... 

And already is being built up elsewhere... 

