im"moral" ones...
" moral" has been covered in full on a meanderlope ....
As all is indeed connected, and the true zen of being in " mind sway" mode for many years, is it is for not taking any human shit, to heart.... in fact that is the " processing" their other trendy word, you do on a 10km mindsway meander... not literature or culture.... folk
( all folklore for decades being mainly made up bullshit to increase tourist footfall, as all of Wales became being if you know wales its generally rather alcoholic thugery... too pissed to recall who Arthur just may have been....or glastonbury style'spiritual' drug binging ... any excuse to not DO anything to protect their naycherrrr...)
But Houellebecq was wrong about one tjing, or rather had one dimensional second sight....
He literarily ... Atomised or Possiblity i can never remember assumed the ' beautiful people' would all kill each other in one big happy bonkers yogacult family scrap...
.... unfortunately it got eve more deathcult...
As i have been loosely studying for a decade, unplamned... but if pne really did wish to, say, save the river Wye.... well you have to know why.... the newageish immigrants never ever DO anything.....
but stab you in the back for nicely asking ..." ehhh... i would love to read some research on your ' sound therapy' .." via waste of metal expensive sound bowls connected to some made up Tibetan smiley bullshit.... or traumatic Charles Eisenstein bumfluff beardy therapy......
nope they never talk to you again, at Greem Party meetings, or then ( same peeps) Extinction Rebellion meetings ...
.... in other words they are fundamentalists, a polite way of saying witch doctors ...
Or rather.....

Apart from endlessly creating rediculous 'smart' thinking words.... hollistic being invented and rolled out 50 years ago.....
which is defined by having to work REAL hard to
a. make peace with the majority, whom own the find compromise as to not chopping down that area of nature.... heretoo, or rather hete at home, first, not in cult central where the coppers just laugh at them... truly mindfucking each others kids ( i know i did a big case childharm there) in Southern Portugal....
b. things like rebuilding fences - and sadly we do need some, using recycled materials or the like ...
see video soon... both sexes needed to train themselves up in the days of gruelling but best mindfulness practice, ever... hard labour... to reuse matetials that all need restoring treating etc....
but one of the sexes as of 15 ish years ago never ever helped...too busy on Fakebook dreaming up the latest tub of snake oil....
which doesnt work, as i would work helping them then restore reuse recycle their garden sheds .... tools left rusting for years.... littering grasslands....
which had rarely been used in the first place.... never mind ' protected' by looking after them....
which i call a really great actual mindful meditative ' practice'.... once ex Pastylnand Sally ran away back to a Charlie... guru of how to spend daddy's home counties cash in Pastyland.... and veru very special guru.... very expensive...
i never saw any other human not male look after their tools or dig her ground with pure equality
( why the ' land' died ...many years ago..i watched it)