... this really is getting a bit silly...
(having torn out the lasteryear Gwerk Pretty Park... of smokin skunk men and.. liars.... fix - the faulty keyboard that so fucked the flow... to nowhere....the amount of times i have said over the years.... " his Millionaires and Teddy Bears was our perfect educational opera... listen to the LP vinyl original it is about 'NOW'...here... especially...it was about Hay park... [ really really rusty childrens swings for years, despite it being by far the richest incomer dest for years... ]....and all Pretty People Parks ive ever been to ...since... i would art installation photo... and he did keep his real mojo even as a very ugly older man... his perfect actual Nouveau Enlightenment writing late 70s was overlooked because back then he was far less telegenic than even Siouxsi... sorry, looks...appearance.. still matter.. and warp all... the greatest poet ever you never really heard of as he...was humble... Most of The Time.... but in at as he aged, just like La Principe Bertrand, LA Sprout lied to me she was to adhere to...whereby age about 80 once-Lord Russell.....he became even more true to his real art self...

Right... so.... radio silence, other than bits of film made over a few months...especially now....
THE ...RAchel Kushner le principe du vrai zen réel... has so bitten my fabulously sculpted arse... from so many KM - killometers fairly good pace meandered... ..
Even his Mormonic god seems to have
kairos-come-along-uninvited... as i ask for nothing, ever....
And... well, there's one thing for several years i needed....
SO as to get to work properly...
And .... " ehh... five terrabytes...really... thats exactly what i ..need.."
WHich sounds pathetically space cadet.. and even a bit "our 'tribe' " every junky chimicalate their brainer for years bluehaired around places like ...ehh where did they pretend to be bohemians bought on Southern or mummy's cash ohh yes Garway Hill....
false child tax credit claims central...
just being British... ( you spend a lifetime watching some very good documentaries about how London became the money laundering capitol of the world... some even capture the real nuance of it - even if about 30 years too late Pilger laying the foundations... and i am not complaining, except that at least if you listen to some CIA bloke tell truth of CIA he tells the truth
Indeed i would rather see the truth: Mr and Mrs CIA .. the fact....
Is bad for you sooner or later...always...
And even worse for children bought up in a society of
"smoke and mirrors"
as... who was it, when we chatterated on the 'blue'stblood track a few days ago.. [actually technically even factual being 75% kraut and the so called British monarchy were until 1920something actually kraut by legal requirement..... so smiled and chimed " all smoke and mirrors here especially in any bluehair bossocracy organisation... or even NHS..." of yes the lady from the NHS...
poor Krauts though.. its interesting, so many explained to them..(this being what media does even to them..).. " my 20s.. 30s.. i was ultra gyppo meandering for money ..not that much....all over Europe... but the one place above all was always a pleasure to be...and still even Kington cafe 10 years ago... if i sat for a civilised European espresso at maybe 10am... people watching...and struck up a chat with a young German backpacker or any kind of world citizen.. the young Hesses or even them with a bit of HAnnah left in them if there were any left... always.. no exception...we would have the most mature Enlightened balanced conversation... always... and one could even drop in ' ehh.. you lot ARE the most mellow mature and wise of Europe...cos clearly your teachers taught you.. how to ;learn from past rather big boo boos...'.... stupid AFD or 'far right' just a load of thick thuggish... will never get much power... 70 ..80 % Krauts simply superb modern best-in-Europe peeps in every way...ALWAYS A pleasure to have coffee with... " even some of them seem to have been brainwashed this fact..if something is a lifetime discovery time and again surely its a fact ? nope not talking to an Americanated evangelist far more here than you think nowadays peeps (post Brex..)
Garway Hill... centre of the fist 'second wave' of faux every-word-is'spiritual' ists...
Once one of the women from Worcester had set up their child tax credit farming operation
Before farming the regional council grant support for yoga teachery to the oldies
as treacehrous as the false TC claims that would persist .. throughout the times of becpoming
" healer goddess"... in Hay and even The Globe... sad, as the artshows i invited there 08ish were rather good and SELF deprecating...
... and of course the main false tax credit claimant became.. a healer goddess runaway in Portugal...
you an still see her online reiki expensive healing couch.. i wouldn't link as she never a lying snakeoil cauldron full of bubbling puss, bad example...to her children now adults.... on 'public money'... well technically was.. likely still is.. but its the pipeline a little further up that funnellled the tc cash far more interesting...
so..imagine the most sublimely photod Fakebook healer pictures... and zen tibetan candlemass .. all around... Bought with UK child tac credit paid so many years... without living in the UK...
Magic isnt it..
Problem is it is far far more common than one may imagine...
Which is ok in my book... rather it goes to fake madwomen (officially as thats what just one diary in her own hand even Social Services had a copy of..as we were trying to de-abduct her boys to dad on his DEATH bed...said so... ) than yet more lgistics to supplu AWACS or .. Israel being insignificant, except as bufferzone to Iran if they do decide to do what Russia says and not turn the other cheek...[ as a pacifist having seen war and what it does to even a very very very nice rish Englishman i knew well.. on Yugoslavia 91ish... you can always walk away.. after all unlike UK most ragedds have wide extended family they still speak with a lot] . .. yet more logistics to saudi land... so as to spy on Saudi women who may be running away quite rightly with some next Little Prince (For the Love of a Son..)
or more anti Yemen babes - thats mum and babe... bombs...
So ehh yes.... Z** of the Portugauese reiki trestle table pix.... .. not interesting, its her handlers back home.... i tried to stop the theft...as it was fuelling the gas stove in her caravan... probably called online a 'yurt'...yet another set of boys not knowing a dad...or more importantly, just perhaps .. vice a versa...
All ...failed....
BUt i do have the most splendidest actual poetical NOT George Orwellian diaries and chronicles
not one EVER has... even the one I gave Ove to 7 years ago... meant for my daughter i told her... and put my phone number in the front.... " i think as we have met at these same charity shop bookshelves a few times..i can trust you...".... )
" its very very good i am glad i read it...most timely.. he chronicled with no judgement rather well for an Old Etonian... though, like Joyce...shame he didnt stay there.. he clearly came to manhood and intellectual maturity in Paris... and the first 2/3 is wonderful..his Paris years.. what is maybe worth flicking forward into is his London year ... being i dont trust much British so called history...but i do his tales, as he told them so well which means repetition and dullness... the hobos hobbling between one fake charity and the next.. many treating them clearly most cruelly...because they can..."
RIGHT... the END .. because even with just about usable keyboard at last....
that still does drop letters randomly and i cannot touch type sadly but have to type superfast
into laptop
with MIRACULOUSLY... working charger..basically never trust ANY bloke
(i can promise youtube Mister Wallah fixit will have loads of tutorials and then millions of online writeups saying " if replacing charger make sure the amp watt or volt rating is just right or sparks will fly and if butchering an old one you are a moron if you dont test polarity and all the rest.. in fact dont do it it cannot work"
All lies, or maybe i am lucky.. cos i am on 3rd butchered cobbled together not rated for this machine charger this summer.. which i have a latent liminal art installation on when i have the time.... especially after the Mister-fixit here was so so rude... i just do what signs say like bring a thing to be fixed by a man with a soldering iron.. so rude so many so rude... especially the one lastereve before last speaking with him about hos van...its the way they all make PERSONAL comments that are a biyt snide..not legpull ...tongue in cheek.... thats a skill they havent had the memo about down here .. [KAte confirmed].... (nope these "we"men... here... all of them....all incame...all SO SO insecure despite most of them having STeve Pinker good looks or Rupert's inherited cash.. maybe as they know their PR 'our community is so healthy' is a fuckin fraud too... like their .. other stuff...no interest in)
SO in short, really wonky keyboard.... even this best yet iteration
Summer = out by 8am in it...
always a hurry
no time yet to even check for typos...
so its unreadable
Even if the salty one.. well, she does i think get it...
(her telephoned in stories of 25 year olds... yetsermorn)
Even if...
(to be cont..maybe .....even by her)