
Saturday, 24 August 2024

But the'yd arresterate yer...

 The other side...

Her river-side...of so called 'Rats'... all in summer expensive headwear...i watch them at the so called beaches.. the CLOTHING they all take to prance and play out Brideshead ( in the 50 grand refurbished antique landrovers the derigeur playmobile) its tragic...

For suggesting real "humans"...   walk this side, most days, even when it's pretty wild..real wild....... and flouncing around in expensive cowboy hats (i have a summer long photo chronicle study) and 'prom' frocks blowin in the wind most photogenically..

errata 1970 top of the pops, good old Lola...

..I'm not that old... 

ergo, it was on the wireless 

uncancelled, even years later...


 as was other

ohhhh... my god...

It continues..... 
Yes radio 4chan self pitying load of neurotic nervy city Miss Anne Thrope bullshit continues to still moan about 2020...

The Power of Weird

whilst in the Year of Our Lord... Lord...those bootleggers and REAL 'pirates' had so much time on their hands 20 and 21...they were up all night loading so many previously perfect pieces of art hidden away in their mouldy chests of draws as they had no one to maintain the rotting wood for them...

And a new one..well ish, 22,  is there all along... of the one great real soul singer ... well, unless the one i found can LET GO....  

...all... the way.... 

Because there is an ALL the way....

without any drugs...

"ceremonial" or otherwise...

Though forever for me...

That day.... well one of a few... was that only three weeks ago.... a walking woman on the cliffpath wild in the winds... with the most gorgeous mousey grey silver hair imaginable...

 She kind of invited me to their patch of pirated land....

" i saw you over there the only one the big bird comes in and all the rest panicking you just motionless reading your book..... you didnt even raise an eyebrow... i was rather captivated by the scene i may turn it into art..."

 that could never match the one real artist... who captured with perfect ennui and lackadaisical... 


self reflection,  looking into her own eyes and knowing that....

those "fabricated redemptive boasts" take many forms - especially if out of the gob of a Southerner... and.... well, for 15 or so years the official 'worthies'...

Lets just say... i knew Peter Florence who can be namerated... even if he isnt worth one sentence the way he backed down....  following doubtless falsies...

But it was that moment 2009... i met him at the cashpoint.. "peter... maybe you may think about supporting the [Estianddad founded] kids chess club...  we have kids coming up from The Estate... its paradise i never imagined and fifty have entered our big finals day.... "

".... we.....don't... think of society like that [or some other sort of revisionist bBCspeak bullshit]..."

It's that royal "we" as if they -  all shabby Tom Pauls with really bad taste in everything....  have some inside track on recreating society in their  Tim Smitty kind of overblown greenhouse mode for tourists ....and Royal Patronage, rather than saner Eurolands where they chopped off their ...allowances... 

...  rather than work to literally save EVERY weed and flower  they can ALL over.. everywhere... even down the cricket club ....  or, my only interest.. the Hay Football club (none of mybiz, except for reports from the actual field still come in....crumbling in a flurry of false allegations and ...  false allegations actually... and THAT story of how false everything in that region, especially false words of concern coming out of false incomer environmentally 'aware' types all with Phds in  how to emotionally blackmail the grant bodies into their fat slice of cake...from 2007ish.... is why the river Wyetoo got destroyed...)

Always was their excuse for never actually DOing anything ever at all....


Ayahhooo esca...