Turned, to face from whence came ... a year of bits left out.
One day
Just a few days before
I may leave out.
I always sleep well... so when the occasional day or so that makes life worth tollerating, comes along, out of the blue....
But it does make me truly sadder than military helicopters training to kill everything "human", over E Pastylandshire....
sadder: at so many, for years, i meet who cannot sleep.... it used to be mainly English, stuck on their invisible hamster wheels of thinking they know the way to be...
hence England a toxic shoppi g aisle and fertile fallow land for crap like Eckheart... and all manner of brands of Brand...
Too preocupied with the expensive" price" tag of the cure all ' mindfulness' retreat / course / masturbation gatheration
that cures nothing ever, for real, cos its all a sad little Miss Guided, ( even if well intented) fraud...
Spend a year in fake "community" landshire of ex Londoners desperate for ' love', they dare not speak its name, and cash, as the cleaning lady jobs are all done by real wimmin...
And one seas quite simply
just how rotten all their foundations are...
And how EVERY sinlge one simply
cannot deal with
constructive critique
gentle ' challenge'
Thats in almost every soviet era Russian novel there is, its called Stalin would eat your gorgeous nose too if he could ism...
do not be
" human"
and think for yourself
With their compulsory ex city fake smile...
fake everything
Good job i survived the worse of them 30 years ago, bulletproof....
but ... i cannot have it spread like a virus into the highlands of my heart will always be in hers, too..
big propper mountains...
something needs to be