i nearly forgotterated, even if i never forget a thing
this in drafts since dawn..
moan moan moan lies....
My 'best friend' for a few years late 80s was a bloke a real pisshead muso man...in a band.. a real lowdown drunk..... and curiously Miss oh Jenny istically unappreciative of his own wonderful girlfriend i was a bit in love with though could never mention, as loyalty is absolute.... even to drunks.... . and such a pisshead he ended up a jumbo jet captain for Virgin - Frank, ly astonishing....
But even then... him " Tanita... ahhh TAnita... wow she's... just... proof genius still exists even age 19...and listen to the way her bassman twangs he is using the xd pro model of the telecasting up yer bottom..... or maybe the xr variant... can you hear the way the twang dies so softly..."
not a word of 'coloured' multi skintone identity woman .... ist...
just a true talent no one even noticed she was a bit brown and a young woman...
38 minutes in....
One of the greatestly subtle songs ever about reality...
No Zadie could countenance...
And being a real artist, i no idea really what the subtle 'menace' in the Preyed Upon....tune is about....
An actual 'ancient heart' - a real one... the expensive workshops and other one dimensional preacherfests.... would i am sure tut tut at... if they listened to the not quite black and white actuality exemplified,
within her real art
" I need time...to COMPLICATE YOU...make you hate the things youve done..."
what fuckin ultra elder goddess in err words
Even if the hype hyped even her....
At least 'saving the world' with a real song... with undertones of things not being quite so one dimensional as they may be activisted....