So, two months...i have driven a vehicle only 1km ... to merely reposition against the varying wind direction...
And above all that is returning to 'nature'... the body returning to a rhythm and mode of 'muscle memory' to use one of their wank wordings, where all thought in fact resets so as to be about what one can do by foot, only...
And about 100km by foot week in week out... the same remote pathways...way away from ANY traffic noise' in fact fair dinkum even in my past region one could be horribly reminded of the military industrial complex once or twice week some SAS airborne murder machine out in The Marches on monoverse...
Much of this county far far far worse ....
Here.... none.
Indeed therein is a theme one day i shall essay upon. Two years ago The Mong least she had a sense of actual grown up humour, " love you are too good for this world... you live in LONDON! now.... doing art projects on 'nature' even if compulsory for your MFA is basically prostitution... you are using 'nature' to look good... at least from your childhood ACTUALLY in nature... the remote lonely hardly-ever-see-another-person variety as mine.... living there months on end... knowing actual 'nature' is about persisting with nothing human to divert you... and learning that all 'human' is artifice... in fact in a service economy, merely millions of people figuring how to sell themselves as snake oil vendors rather that be a cleaning lady... and decades ago they turned to 'nature' to sell... i actually don't know what, but i never met ANY one who can just BE in in... BE.. be there for no reason, especially not to make duff art about it... or pose on media in it...for as long as it takes to stop and take the selfie..."
LOTS... tons... of selfies to come
so many that there wouldnt be any time to do much else...
just IN nature...
to make a point
Some of us... maybe about 3 in the whole country
Actually do mean what we say when we say
we like nature..And little else.
....or to be more honest as so much cant and vanity has been written of nature since about Maybe, we see through every single thing humanity ever did since he or she started to make up stone age campfire stories... and therein became unnatural, because 'nature' is just about being
But no more.... ever since yet another chancer over educates himself into indigenously taking power over the ordinary common wo/man living in this modern age ... via bad books to the usual Tom Paul formula.... that all in fact deep down are judgmental and neurotic, as is any ex city person, because only accepting the total nothingness in being in history, no 'colonisers' no yesterday only what next....
That is what actually living 'close to nature' means...
But it means fucking the whole of nature is geared only to two sexes chasing each other around the bracken half the year... and screwing
But the yank insurance company, wouldnt insure the 'feminine' getting back to the earth ....weekend workshopping at 300 quid if they 'celebrated' REAL nature....
Anyway "change" ..... I have had a few deeper insights wandering 100km a week... and as there is no hope of ever encounter ANYone who can live simply... or ever mean what they say
After the very last small phase of simplifying, soon..
Tis time to
Write elsewhere, entirely incognito, how truly lifesaving 'simple' is... was...i dont claim anything ever unless it has WORKED... over a long long time.
" Suzi... my final the election is here... for 20 years... the 'good'...more 'THOUGHTFUL' people.... who may have been less self interested and a little more common good orientated... and certainly may mean a bit they wish to protect the environment and nature.... as i saw .. from the inside... how almost all took to fake 'spirituality'... endless shabby gurus, some they would read their rubbish for hours days... energy, 'healing' shaman this that and the other....and i laugh at how since 2020 the underlings of the snake oil stalls have so so revved up their fakery into the swankiest weasel words ever... not one has a millisecond or quantum loop of actual poise and grace and stillness so busy trying not to be a cleaning lady selling something that should never even be named, as we simply have no idea what the 'ineffable' is... and certainly not 'celebrated' or 'prayed' to or about or with... something other, is...and good for it... none of my ferkin business... period... and they arent 'divine' or 'mystical' or 'elemental' or out of the ordinary either... if you are one of the roughly 100 ish mammal species who refresh the womb lining every now and again via excreting it frontwards rather than the saner 98% who manage to absorb old womb cells back into their bodies thus not wasting so much on 'sanitary' products....... politics and grown up society is SO damaged because of all these once sane people ...ok mainly of the female crystal sales woman variety... who incidentally used to be by FAR the best new political class, down to earth, no nonsense, into REAL justice... decided to get into vudu instead ... even if they call it all sorts of new age non words...and none have any 'energy' at dawn to get up... despite trying to even sell 'energy'.... why all of them hate me... anyway i never mattered, the same old neurotic city men in charge does... and it is ONLY because the once good people, became self obsessed....and dressed it upin fake 'spirituality'..i have never et ANYone ...'spiritual' even if 95% of my encounters in life in fringe places...heretoo...would all hashtag themselves on their fakebook or instant gram of sickly dopamine... as 'spiritual' as it gets..." .... one by one...year after year.... since starting to try and get green allies... every single one ran away crying to concentrate on her chakra rather than DO some actual real hard work lobbying MPS on pollution... and all that....and in ALL the MArches..sadly The LAbour party as ONLY ex neurotic a woman... were terrified of nature... and have NO idea how it works.... so i wouldn't hold out a millisecond of hope for that river Arrow of yours ever being protected... "
Terrible writing ...waffle and stilted
Because i went truly hermitude zen... i only use 'devices' for this... and need to even de-this... there never was any i full well knew