
Saturday, 6 July 2024

But.....sheezz even bettah than Tammy

 rit yestereve now i have all the time in the world

And await


Cos there's an OBJECTIVE truth of real genius

As Meg agreed as we yesteraft stood at them minezz....

" They tell you the truth they ....want you to hear..."

Cos there is only one truth and its the line... THE line...

That often earworms around...Just for fun...

.....  " Meg,... [born actually on the cliff edge  thirty seven years ago..]...   you wanna Be a REAL writer....well sue your MA course if they didnt even teach you Ragged.... There is LUV, only Montaigne...  'How To ...Live'... thats all your doin' with your book o' lifeboats and pretending to care as they go out for the glory of people pleasing rescue..
" at least you admit to people pleasing....  thats a start...
"Meg luv.... we got through .... someone told me a month ago saddest thing ever.... apparently there is a virus meming around on twattter...a woman is walking a remote path in the hills....would she rather see a lone man on the path approaching or a big brown bear,.... who hasnt eaten a decade...and likes bbqd decades like some peoples bbq babies... ?
" so now we are lingering on this remote cliff where Nazi collaborators were sent to be slaves in the mines...and you dont display that bimbo meme... you i know are at only peace....
" luv....  you listen.... 'Bitter violet night...the stars wear sour grins...'..." and every dull dawn i muse upon 'chaos and turmoil prevail..'...
" those are the lines Montaigne would smile at with a real grin.... no dont argue books with the sea innit are crap Turner did it...'Emmingway too......with thr true sublime innem..... the clue is you cannot drink it... and the million crap paintings ive seen festooning the litterated South thought of the environmental waste of their waste of space artless pastiche painted on overpriced pasties.... THE kraut a week ago agreed 'Kitsch'...

"luv... this place of your birth.... is mereley theme park....listen to Front Row January lasteryear a thirty year old "bird" who rit a novel wasa allowed to sayso.... sotrue... " Foulmouth a theme park" her exact words, allowed due her 'vulnerability' and dreadful Kate Tempestuous tripe...
" But tomorrow... be afraid...  be very afearful
" Don died a few weeks ago ....and his simply superb Land of The Blind...
" Everyone should watch after Animal Farm... 
"Bzack 2back.... blubber to blubber blubbin at....nuthin... except the good pig when s/he gets power...  especially when she gave a speech tomorowmorn so ...
"so.... i will never hear such a bad speech.... 
" pale dawns a shimmerin, but they will take their time to sharpen up ... or some nonsense...
"there will never be a more chief pig  herald ....of the end
"and one day i shall begin....
"in fact ear tiz....
"There's even Esme in there...

"But 2010....  I havent met anyone as brutal dangerous and inhuman as  Little M(no gendah axcept agenda...of fake spirituality) 2010... for 

"But i won.... that winter i turned ...or rather found some first ever creative image.... by merely figuratively sticking everything into one image

"That one too had the mantra of 'sim0plify'.....

" ...or rather I even if i believe no word...ever uttered by anyone of or hermituding on this sceptic aisle... i had no idea just how materialistic....  til i came here...
" forget all the fancy words like kairos, sublime, even 'bodily' and especially shamanic ' ceremonial' drug munching.... i discovered a word five years ago out of the mouth of the worst man i had ever met...a figurative Gwerk escapee.....mad as a self actualising messiah who no longer understood 'common good'..... but honour him for his splendid word... he g
had found in the squares of Greece during their uprisings of the earlyish 2010s... all you ever need to know is one small phrase....therein is all of reality... 

interuptus, back a lot first...

into many quiet scenes