
Wednesday, 24 July 2024

birthday day fact all these been in 'drafts' to free space for weeks, but...

A present to myself...held over for the day.

I do rather like symbolism and it doesnt matter if the story isnt yet told.

Anyway it is - the one that matters, new labour minister the other day " ehhh...ALL our rivers are polluted...not a few...not some....all.."

Well us grown ups knew that years ago... 

And guess what it it is NOT just the " baddy water companies" is the mermaids too - i forget is that a unisex term?  especially as before the merms came along and made being 'green' all about ripping everyone off for  dodgy snake oil (LOADS in the audio waffle about that, spat out like a good chest rub, gettin it off..)  basically they copied the first wave..all men.. Paul Tom the first...25 ish years ago... 

And basically it all was based around the (then) VERY expensive trendy new 'Bell Tent' ... and all mermaids neglect to actually "relate" fact... not only does selling fake cures or anything, corrupt the vendor's soul as much as piss off the silly customers though they darent say so as they 'bought in' to the con... 'skin in the game' as they say or... 

In short expensive bell tents mean you have to rip folk off even more with dodgy courses cures and workshop retreats

And... 20 years ago (20th June 2004) the party to " we are welcoming into the world our lovely new [rather large] bell tent" ...within which.. i met the first.... one. Of many...but you do..mean what you say, to a 6 year old...or... 'trauma' may ensue..

which sounds terribly chip-on-the-shoulder when in fact it is exact opposite in that i saw how... her illusions, self delusion, people pleasing ...angst and wrinkle causing absolute fairy talk ...had me fooled...... really did hurt her... and i know she will have died ...far far too young...
And no one ever should suffer even a drop of earache blood, as all foolery is just because of being someone befopre