
Wednesday, 29 May 2024

wtf is a ' man'?


she - el Pog ( lish), seems to know, somehow...

I don't really know what to call her, or even what to think of her...

What i do know is that unlike almost every other woman i have be-friended with, for 10 years, in this wonky land,  except the two sweaty dungheap land-women, real women... of 2019 and 20.. ( super sexy - the REAL kind of   womanly glow .. that you cannot buy in your metrosexual bottle... nor fake in a fake dance,  for money, nor scowl, nor in any way instagram or Bookfake)

...She, ElPog, isn't frightened of a man being a man... a REAL man...

Seems to encourage it -  or at least the mental HD version of what mermaids were actually invented for... when men were still men.

And she started it.... 

In the superb existential angst of her pain and turmoil.... 

get the finger out... and get frenzied


Righty ho this is so so hard, and i shall probably fail...i know when the metros won...  

Except i am so glad i am not a ' woman' ( there being no such thing as their trendy

 ' feminine'  they ( 99%, 100% if Gwerk) all pimp and prostitute in one, as they can't countenance just a hard day of manual labour or being a cleaning lady .... i know i can state with certainty as i for the whole 00s,  20% of the time did proper real rugged he-man work outdoors up in the hills, alone, no one to call the ambulance if some accident guess what,  you learn to dance between he-human jobs so deftly you do NOT have an accident with pickaxe or chainsaw .  a real actual necessary life preserving dance... the sort  of work - ehh essential real life in rural places, a REAL   woman can do just as equally.... but in some weird emasculation, in fact that is a silly word for frankly lost bitter lost human beings with a fanny... that men need from time to time, or one is emasculated unmanned, is turned into an inhuman..

.... and i would do my daughter's laundry, drying her smalls, and brushing her hair as  diligently and very very lovingly delicately... as  any ' woman' who ... has a reason to  love a human fully ... as it's what she wants...) 

So... hmmm.... 

That word, mid 90s ...ish... 

Out of fashion now,  but what really has happened?

It just got even worse..

Except they... who were 'they'? 

Parasites, yes...  in the old days we called them in a friendly non offensive way,  fag-hags .. ...

or just silly. Celebrating ... what? 

Mentoo may do their nails...

A few nights ago.. hardly even an intelligent film.... so bleak in fact, nihilistic ...cowardly
 referenced in audio
But it disturbs, as one fact about the Krauts i discovered in the later 80s... they know what a rainy weekend holed up in a humble old hotel is for... 
they go all the way... And know what sweat if for, too...

But ... has this worldwide ano-din noisy primal scream... about nothing... turned them robot, too..

A Man, survived Auschwitz, didnt really hold a big grudge... and wrote a magnificent book; and then he wrote 3 or 4 even more magnificent books about just being...  at work, observing other men,  and women sometimes...
A real man...

What do i know?

As of 5,  maybe even 7 or 8 years ago....

Though the signs were there in metrosexual times... ( and i aint stupid, i know they won) 

Women, especially in the UK ... started to do something really really dodgy to   men... 
That is the wrong way of putting it, as a coward doesn't do something 'to' anyone ...

Maybe it was along the lines of: as the maximum of hardly even  5% of women who were ' dolly birds' in the late 70s...80s... silly coquettes done up all dolly bird with far too much makeup,  and Top Shop; too thick and self obsessed to have heard of womens' lib... did surprisingly gain traction... as i don't believe anyone is really thick, they  cleverly needed  to pull mentoo into their smelly back passage of absurd bathroom products and chemical ...well, in fact castration wouldnt be too extremist a word. .

But what we ended up with is by a few years ago,  i just couldnt believe how even in rural places .. ( ok the metro nonmen had colonised ) ...  men started to become so pathetically self indulgent and moaning...  dillettante, drama queens.... 
And no longer know the man rules...

Primo  among them, being: dont be a drama queen.
shit happens. chin up.. and its great, real actial Enlightenment,  in Western society... a bit of standard,  human of either sex may cry... the good tears when shit and loss happpens...
tearducts are   a natural state, sex irrelevent

Anyway, one day, soon.... all i know is that with the online becoming primary source of future discussion/ debate....even 'news'.

Peterson, ( UK metrosexless) Fuller,   Murray, all of them i keep a cultural critic's eye on... even their absurd bullneck Rogan....  and the Triggernomen rather subtly coquettemen... post metrosex but still with a nod...  are decidedly confused.They cannot break through any of it  with simple language

( to be continued in memoirs, i know what a man is... and some human aspects of my past i would hope a real womantoo would agree ... well the Pog seemed to....  " no way   do i subject my child to this inhuman wrongheaded crap" ...  

I see no men any more... in fact the ONLY man i hear is Meghan...
Which is a strange state of affairs. 
To be continued if  it comes

gee whizz i just became an editor! bleeping out 2 sex.... far simpler than assumed. Too late, a real man of either sex knows when it is time to die like the African who sres through the thorny thicket, to only hunger the otherside too... the coquettes  chopped off everyones balls, especially with their "femenine" bollocks... 

Well they can get finger frenzied to Eckhart's  sexless leer...
God riddance to the end of real fabulous  sexual attraction, they all became..

  .. they were too cowardly to explore, so  created a whole cast of casterrati....  herded into Fakebook clicks and  othersuch that are as artificial as the poor robots they almost all are... 

And my fault, real humabs dont send rubbish on some imaginary sex hormone gland in the head .. at first contact.
Thats the kind if thing children do to prod a hornets nest they are too fearful of approaching... 

chuck a stone in and run

Not me

Memoir-reflections  truthtalk 

Aleays being nomad, three states of  solitariness, solitude, loneliness, but a third also, copyright me, qmwhen the rest get so silly and sour ( and stupid) theres no one to be human with