
Wednesday 15 May 2024

the " offering" ..

 to the  spirts ... bullshit... ( Don Hofg, " we know nothing can be a fact, or ' data point') ... 

this morning i cant be bothered to detypo as the childmen won...long ago

i know

they ate Gweek Shitcreek, Hay,  Clun all over..nicer for them to live surrounded by easy babes in the fields....or yurts....

....i know when actual caring for animals and bringing up children to care for REAL animal ' spirits'  carefully, always, as jts called CARE......  as nature lovers did, the past


but i need to fully reboot into a non life...  walk, be only quiet.... gave up

but i like writing if i ever have the space and time....

but i no longer know who it is for: " human" ... NOW...

i thought maybe she would get it...

" uk should be in the Hague before Serbia"  suggested some actual areciation of fact... constructive critique..

but nope... and no man is an island,  so no actual " human" you can trust to fuckin "vibrate' along with apreciating actual fact... or as we called true stories before tossers invented ' data point' 

why bother... no  energy.. real energy, LIFEFORCE, in  being lone voice ... 

but i have been happy, despite these  selfharming lost silly handsom putting that in a bottle is a worthy project


i told her..early winter 2022... "i schismd only to write about the past, now...there is no hope for 'now ..." 

And knowing that data point is true

is indeed happiness.

fait accomplis are terribly good for mind body and the maybesoul if they exist....

i am not a fool.

( and of course... Eisenstein, Brand... Fromm Eric... all of them... 50%  they spout is  great.... good stuff...  but its the other 50% they leave out or neglect or likely are so in love with their performance especialy once Fakebook  ideo  came along and got fairly reasonable quality ....  too busy not to see or know.. what theu miss out, about themtoo! .... THE problem.... quite how to define, in good writing or 'art of relating'.. REALITY...the problem...even if Huxley, and plenty of others even Coetzee ...  managed through good books in the past..... problem really is none if these menchilds READ decent literature any more.... i know i ask .... and no one kearns much from fuckin youtube performance ... thats a reality, too... a real one)