Thursday, 23 May 2024

Pure ' bard'

 indeed...maybe proof that the culture of pure equality went up Phoebe's smelly bottom ...

it was obvious.... from the first time it went on my turntable, 1986...


is pure him.... 

I mean what an opening line of gorgeous ... 

cranked up liminal ( the REAL version not the new wank one the merms of so called  deserted island intellectuals they all eanna Bee...whom tsunami-drowned out great wordiness by stealing REAL meaning... liminal Bee in surfing in the dangerous oxygen depleted boundary layer [ an official atmospheric term] ... of who the fuck knows anything, certainly not noheart Eckhart...) 

" To fabricate redemptive boasts..." 


as only  she could do.....

 i mean... 

she predicted Hay-on-chickyshit ... no one did owt to block.... and now they feign hurt for bigbucks....

..and shitcteek Gweek-on-drugzz.... and rotting hulls ..

.... that she was not heralded by the Miszms Oh Jennies of the Rolling Stone ...and NME....

 as  " take away the groaning gravelly [ stolen by the farm by my Wye camp soon] ....  and the endless lamenting Sad Eeyed Ladies  stuck in her rotten hull...... she has his Homeric genius  wordsmithery and....  more....  she wants to make you... dance round yer livvin'  room...and live....  no matter what....even through dumpin' yer true love.... ...   she, his daughter... and jeans, 100%.... but a new better version..."

they didnt say ...  but somehow her spirit .... oppressed, underapreciated... she alone, fifty seemed to deepen and poignate  her .... Gracieate her...... and cause, a real  elder ... finest brighteye, strong backbone....woman to emerge....

"fuckem if they didnt know, i was the best if the newer kids on the block... it makes me write even better deeper songs, "