
Thursday, 23 May 2024

I am jealous, not being a Mong

Mongism is good. Especially here.

But forget .. now... I dont lije being stationary, really.... i had to move even if a few km only a remain TRULY ' free' ... for her...

Oh yes truly Eckhart level of wise line coming soon,  about committment and freedom... if she saw it in an Eckhart Pornish magazine or post,  the shivvers of " wow Mister Now is so beautiful in his wise aphorisms ."  would get reposted everywhere... 

so easy of course to echo a Disney character ratger than real person

xxx note to self,  dont forget it, its in audio yest v v v  sublimely guruish perfect... and copyright me, alone. . i think or just ' receive' for myself.... alone


I havent depleted, i remembered even his sir name....

I am sad though his countrywoman.... was maybe a ghost?

The first equal former Soviet...purepbred...

( referred to a few weeks ago in audio waffle) 

unlike the Mong.... whom is maybe edging ahead

we shall see

Another fake.
No principles.
My truest 2020 enjoyment...

 " ehh...can i take a picture you on Stasi duty at the alone seem to know...i have observed you...... that these 100 days of unbroken sunshine...are ACTUAL boost to immunity if you get the fuck outside in it...and get yer kit off...
 [ a year later she came to me.... purest ' they sat together in the park' outside the church... she didnt Cycle Away... she was thinking of, but turned back
my way...

lucky escape! 
a year later  all those grants she grabbed!!  via her Zoom...
for a festival of ' wellness' ...moaning about death, and periods no doubt, in expensive tents, inside   ....

 principles, means, always.  

 none of them ever seem to Bee...] ... ehhh....
. we alone, seem to"

fake chameleon ... cant decide which side to Bee...

bit like a certain person....

so bitter and angry and lined in her ... not entirely old age...  interviews.

chameleonitis, is real bad for you....
and your skin.... 
as she... left, for people...
 as real gift... no one even,  noticed ...