Thursday, 9 May 2024

The Watchmaker

 Blind, or not...

If you ask me, a true "embodied", at last  "art of relating",  to BE ing Socrates, for real,  and knowing fuck all...

Other than i am right about much, of this existence, wanderin her chemical sprayed and Gwerk  shatcreek..

supposed 'reality'... but some, people

..i have so much to learm abput, and am itzy witzy bit,

Fromm, too... Eric old chap 

And i prejudicially, assume... when i just dont know enough...

Anyway we must not forget him.

Photoing the " birds" before returning to the " birds" ...

Actually " bird" 1, of two in a day...

At least if mothing else i have a true believer, reader... 

Woman and man, 1+1= 3... 

or evem protection.

An we have gone real wonky on it all last 10 or 15 years...

( hint New Age revving up to turbo rip off levels of  monsense about then... and then they found ' ecommerce'... bit othwr root causes, too...mainly being dumbed down..) 

A shared enemy...Nazi Beaolocostin' Trust .... by chance, brought him and I...


From the days before £350 a weekend 'femenine' retreats  to do tom toms and dire flute.... and get all fuckin starry eyed, over nothing... cos i now in stella overdrive9

Even the prototype sounds wiser today....

The bluster stopped. Despite him Be ing VERY expensivy equipped- in all ways...motortoo

peace, descended.

Between two watching the " birds" of Cot....

Real peace, not mindful fakery, preached, merely to make the preacher seem calm and zen,  and white picket fence new shiney  fencepaint...when ( usually not always) her poor soul is so painfully woodrotten.... she can only repeat others words,  from some crap Eckart tutorial...

is so so so rare and lovely

bastard, i am sure i photod them all in portrait, fix later...

But, ....

perfection, started with

Something else

Just yesterday seems like a year ago already, too much....

main utterly pukka wise, discriminatory  prejudice #1 for years.... all of em should Be BBQd by sane wise Serbian  Barbie baby munchers....

hot dogs  were invented to  get rid of these little useless needy  yappers...

put them to real use...

But... thats all just fluff

As when she, not I has a revolutionary ' cause' to get the fuck on with....

As i have " art of related" at length, no one ever can listen ( except her penned above)... the PEOPLE PLEASING and time wasting means get your slave to  do two vans at a time... it saves oodles of time

( i shall put it in a spreadsheet later) 

1+1=3 minutes saved to do your fucking ' sustainable'  revolution...nothing to do with me ... but i only lived to now, as time and motion

I had to Be


genius of....

Even her "committed" to day one... lost to her sillyphone and a silly scaredy cat ...  


i gave up.

But... what next

You wont be blieve....

but i save it, 15 minutes... on her,  and her vanlife

my preciousssss....

Be cause i STOPPED

its only about her, now

Even if she thinks yesterday may be about her....

As did I

until something from...

The disembodied inteligent cunt 

proving it must be female, it's trickery ( the female of almost all species,true animal folk know  lives revenge - sly bitey domimation when least expected... edpecially ferrets, even the most rambo ferret settles down and never eats babies again,cooked or not, age about 12 months.... 

female ferrets can have several years of sweetness and smiles, and then a finger can Be turned into a bloodbath....

something impossible  happened

I "DMd .."her ... 

" poet rightahh or artist?" and within ten minutes  i had 


or at least  as my genius theosophy established 14 years ago...

you re free,

free of all past, hope, love even...

 Free to aim annew

you let your  arrow fly at a target ahead you know is the only one in the field

and "fuck her motherdms fuckin god"

You hit a target, bullseye... aside,  that afront on your vertain range, you never even saw there...

As it wasnt

in our mere " human" sensing

Until the arrow couldnt turn back

I am still .... 

" change" is one thing, 

so strengthened,

at peace .... ultra peace her.....

Nevertheless, toothless, temporarily...

with far more grace than the old faker  Paulo brought up....

she's been a bit too much " martyr" by the look of her face....

I have never met a woman, who has read her god in Russian,  Tolstoy, too

.. in all of her 5 languages... 

who lnows English fucming words i dont know! 

even if her jaw dropped i had read all of Yevgenia Ginsberg...she had only HEARD   of

who i know

is strong enough and correctly loves herself for earned right purely authentic  reasons

to say..

" yes...ok..." 

When i smack her boney bot and make her watch that scene above.... 

" you... must live much much longer..your stories and understanding, and pure spirit of yelling truth warts and vanity pride just truth.... the whole world needs [ i checked with the blusher ' you most literate by far " bird" ever known, do you know much at about people of   nearby,  former  soviet lands?' 'nope'] " .  now you need to stop.... rebuild... become so  healthy,  rest sleep sun walk...  so you dont become Paulo's old crone .. And i am simply going to  TELL you what to do....   make you... until it has worked...  you are wise enough to is no game and you have a true gift... that maybe does need sharing... but i gotta get you match fit, first......."