
Tuesday, 14 May 2024



logical impossibility  either ones appystate or insight can be enhanced by ANY psychotropic substance gobbled smoked or " ceremonially" supped at some fake boho morons Ayahuasca' retreat where he really just wants to collect phone numbers of maybe future fucks....  when rich enough having ripped off the gullible  to afford the plane fayre back from drugmurderous Mechhicooohhh

because we certainly have a ' sub' conscious'... defined by the conscious cant  get a handle on it....

and sorry, mind 'altering' substances may in some ways ... pot does it... allow a minimal  retrospective or just settling down and going inside a bit  and sometimes having almost ..paranoias " i am that..

....really... despite the daily mask" 

which is scaryish but a little useful..

BUT any artificial 'state' is never going to be free from that naughty little subconscious being aware ...even if just a sense... that it is ARTIFICIAL... not really 'us'...authentic "human". And when the subconscious isnt quite feeling bril about life, the conscious mind, indestinguishable from mindbody or subconsciousmindbody...

is never going to be all just 100% tickety boo.

And anyway i have NEVER read or heard words by anyone who has used 'mind altering' substances to have insight that say ANYthing dont need any substance to know love - or hjust helpmeeting all over,  is preferable to war and cruelty...

BUt that is a diversion even if (audio yesterday) seems everyone has fallen for this (newspeak)  lexicon...

I suspect will never end well, as its all just words (mainly for profit or attention)

So 'appiness

Undoubtedly the real version - post 52ish...  under 50s cannot get there its just not what is meant to BE - though caring for young beloved "human"s * is not too far from the final 25 carat thing... (i know swordsticks are steel, but hers was silver plated to be a bit less harsh...or i don't know, i know nothing as second sight they all brag of trendily, i dont think exists except simply being aware of just maybe little clues to some 'other'.. so i cannot read minds) 

Take it as read now this is only about post 52ish peeps...either gender as even the twattest old geezer spouting Miss Oh Jenny rubbish knows in his subconscious his daily existence is intrinsically knicker twisted up with the women around him, too...  wo/man are indivisible... (in society, "human" is indivisible from) unless you are a Green woman politician or of the New labour moaning lot...  MAgpieing votes from moan moan moan...


1.  well it is accepting death... mortality... for real... really almost ...well not 'looking forward' to it... other wiords required. And the trendy 'leaning in' sorry dear Ms Art of Relating to crap words you've copied from others meaningless gobbledygook... 

Skipping still alive to number 2 as #1 is not worth really going on about: you feel it BODILY when you it...

2....  far far harder: ignore the truly dreadful KArl Ove Knausguard ..(publishers just get wet gussets from, as publishers cannot read great literature any more so all they get turned on by is a cartoon fantasy ...  with so called 'looks'..) and his 3000+ dull childish pages of My Struggle.... but it is kindof  surviving... the struggle... so as at least you can ... laugh at it one day...a bit... and know also for good non narcissistic reasons, one is 'bulletproof'... largely...

this needs much more pondering how to word.

 Struggle even 'pain' are far too self pitying words..

AND... one of the few intelligent assessments of the modern (say last 50 years but maybe last 200...  pre 1800s far harder to put oneself in the head of a religious fruitbat society..) mind i have encountered i forget where is that we can be in 'love' with our own pain...

I think that is partly true. 

Or at least the same bugs, or pathways,  that make a fever-wank rather groovy ..maybe at play...and thus are indeed 'innate'. 

THis is NOT the same as youngsters or older folk slashing at their own flesh ('self harm' ) that is far more anaesthetic...

 nope REAL up the bum with a very wide one (i would nor have i ever) ... really long long known pain... true abyss stuff....  over a fair amount of time i can embodily (i DELIBERATELY make up words to parody - just gently dig at... the ones who are so smug with their good but limited words...are just words... ) feel could remain a sort of almost addiction... 

I get the myth of Joan of ARc... that attractive if you have been in the fires of hades called the worst of other "humans"... 

SO ... 'struggle' is hard but is definitely part of it... 

its not "whatever doesnt kill you makes you stronger" thats a bit  Miss Guided Victorian man-the-hunter dubious...

It IS... " i beat the system" .. even if just Bee ing in PAstyland near a year and never paying a penny for parking..

A bit of I beat the system is a great ingredient

as is also NOT "dont let the buggers grind you down" duff concept far improved by my " the buggers will grind you down...but collect if you can a little cup of swarf and grindstone dust below their big grinder ...and one day make it into something artful and beautiful if you can...[my own only wish though maybe i aint good enough...BUT in performance art for 10 years one on one in random acquaintances...i am better than the wonky Serb Abramovic...  - - clearly they have CAliforniaitis in Seerbia and dont age...all her pics have her looking thirty two... poor woman thinking one can cheat ANYthing in the opposite of 'appiness - -  ... and it comes only from that cup of swarf...].."



fidling their 'system'

laughing  (eventually..i have back peddled on that as of a year ago i stopped when 18 moths ago i could... there is ALLways a price to pay...)

Indeed simply accepting (rather than pathetic Merm talk ... or 'spiritual' mumbo jumbo - they simply are so NPD BPD+  off the fuckin scale: they cannot listen to this one thing ever i know ive tried with dozens: ...THERE IS ALWAYS A PRICE TO ANY "human" interaction ...any.... 

To Bea cont

* and as non genetically linked people can care for younguns  alone or in couples and be as lovingly content - i have done both, and its the same... that means the 3% whom according to the census dont like it up the fanny,  can be, and experience the same - true bliss and joy of  caring and all that,  as the great  majority of us...