Wednesday 3 April 2024

The most poignant image of all



behind these so much [ fake] communication, performing... 


All they ever their Greenpeace  fraud operation stalls

this one thinks she matters...  

its the ones who  .... i met, off duty

pretending their lives were only ' duty' to nature.

Mister Borow

or Queen Mary 

Ann Evans

would smile ... "my my you couldn't make them up... such stories of cant, vanity, and total tragic hypocricy ...

Years of them...


of a very long opera


by their little truculent intermissions

in fact this would make a lovely 

'end of act 1' marker

but i shall have to figure a  way of  shrinking their  sad little stabbing,  to the size of  exactly the import, of them....  a microdot.