
Friday, 5 April 2024

The fairy tail

 [ will need detypoing and writing nicely,  as it really IS the life saving ...tip....i  will do later... she thinks shes attacked my site.... blesser... " Groundhog".... these sad  sad childwomen.... all i ever meet....15 years of them.... not that daft hahh hahh... have two  ips... one for me,  this...

one for all others...noone can one trust in this horrid  atomised 'self actualised' into in"human" nobodies....aisle,  ever....   you only trust people you are married to.... thats the deal...always has been always will be....((even homos do it though men homos last on average 7 years ... babe homos on average 6 to Interesting!!. some stats dont lie....))..  Eckhart CIA plant making it so so hard.... ... .but at least i know the only woman i value...  is still alive... i was truly worried about her last time i saw her she looked so  ill..... .]

A reminder of what your internet and BPD* devices did to you.

But this is nothing new

A timely reminder. Yesterlasttime ever i bother speaking with anyone under 50. And lasttime i go there.

Even if the sweet Sunderland lass... despite her noseiron... 

When i stood my ground as she heard, and ignored him with his extremely rude neurotic absurd personal comment " if you have a cold i dont want you in here [ a public space].... bringing your cold in is terrible behaviour. my my the idiots i meet on my day.." 

" ehhhh one throat clearing my friend isnt a cold,  and your oersonal comments  are over a sane line... but in any event i am a grown up and woulnt take any real cold into some community space... there are no grown ups in your awful violent junkie filled seaside town... so i know you wont be used to them ... especially afyer your absurd hypocondriac period... your not man enough to know what theu are.. pre pandemic period... ." 

Sunderlass, his employee, so quickly:

 " god you  are so right... this place, even daytime,  is worse than downtown Sunderland late Saturday night... really dangerous people aroubd, women too.....horrid place biggest mistake of my life settling here.."

i knew she was one of the actually nice ones... shame i can never meet any who like the outdoors, and whom leave their body as nature delivered it to them:  ok in its natural state

So fast forward 5 minutes on fast drying  setting, as he postures around making all these awful " my god i have been violated... violated ... look at this!!! .... up my bum ... through my phone.."

" as you ARE sharing this with us so  performatively volubly,  prey share it properly... maybe its as interesting as your facial expression  ...  suggesting your  leading man oscar, has just turned out to be made of plasticene... violating your innate 'human' rights"

( business  trader doesnt pay his debts, 6 months BPD  bs and spin) 

" ohh... ok ... look thats been going on 30 or more years....  nothing new young not so young man...... but can i make a suggestion... or rather i am older and wiser... she, your serf knows this....  all you silly pretend wise people with your devices in your hands all day flinging accusations, even her to me of ' narcissm'  for saying..... as you have seen,  earlier, i am bulletproof and dont rise up to your crass childish  insults...ever...ehh.... he as we know.. yes, a weird extreme he, to simplify  has BPD [ " yeah man bang on!!. .. yea good way if putting it".]...

" you cannot get to him or change him ..[  supersmiley "wow yes you are wise"]...  but i know what works,  to give YOU  ' justice ' you could almost call it.... but this could be in any situation.... 

"say for example, Sunderland aside sweety hahh hahhh... every woman i meet for several years has no manners... you would say ' passively agressively' i just say silly bimbo with no manners....  ...  all their neurotic control via their phones, to rude to answer anything clearly nice and neutral...  even a jokey message... they p.a.  ghost or whatever they do...

" some really torture... they may dress up painted " bird" ... come by and torture you ..make sure you see on xmss i recanted in my stories earlier   .  but forget her

" this technique applies to EVERY possible sutuation, except true love....  true love is precious and unique ..... we only exist, due it..... so forget  that situation...  meaning i came down here due that wonderful risky situation....  

 so this  process cannot work ... i could not, for example ...  having been drawn here by a pastiche, fake.. even harridan  siren,  actually truly loved and valued.....even if for good self harm joke material, find some  ' wow thank you there was ...from your childidh invisible smazing  silvervlining' ...... there will be no  fringe benefit ' above'  valuing her...  those are the rules... of actual real committment... its about committment ... even if to a swordstick weilder... own the sword  you coukd say....

" but... forget that....  in absolutely everything else, eg if you fancy a " bird"  or more likely bloke in your case... .  just fancy, lust .. even bigtime hardon lust ..but know it isnt deep devoted   love ...  know s/he hast ...grabbed your soul..

" if they act inhumanly ....not politely..... with fairly obvious weird mindgames even......or it could be  a business transaction..or even the dole office or in a gaol **. ... ..

" do NOT get angry...anyway, uk false allegations centre of universe and maybe  some sad sick  little tail teller loves going to feds exagerating a normal  

interpersonal friction....

 " forget that....this is how to REALLY do what you obviously need to do. you, never me as i am lucky seek silly revenge, or if you had been educated other than your crap telly, abd understood the word get ' justice'..or as she said ' bodily justice' 

" firstly ...wait a bit... yes you because you are not a calmly landloping countryman, even in endless weather.... have townie fizz in you... so stop...wait... 

"when calm send him [ her/the bossocracy gapler couincillor whatevet] a message ... its almost standard, as they ALL for 10+ years  make absurd personal bitchy comments . ....  even council workers do so...its just hilarious...myself i could be a millionaire the amount if suings i could instigate with evidence.. your horrid land...but this is better if you could be bothered...

... firstly bite your lip,

.... say... if a mere  lover he invites you to come 350km  for a beer  [bonk] and he missbehaved ... callously ignores you having spent 100 quid on trainfare... or whatever...or yes the man screwing with your bank balance who now wants more business... ferls you should do it with him........ but he to avoid HIS debts for months has made all sorts of silly personal comments as usual accusing you of a mental medical label.. ..  even a wide " bird" did to me sad... rtheyre all headfucked by all that even her... i thought she above this intelectual sewer fact she is just a dull Groundhog day all the rest ..[ even if its a lovestory]...anyway

"Bite ...cunt ...cmon bite that lip

" message him  ... ' i have been thnking... yes... you are RIGHT...  i have also been [ at fault/ as mentally wonky as your debt avoiding emails suggest/ etc]..' .

" ....  NO stop.....  dont have that absurd childish instant reaction....  theres a part two....

. " the truly justice.. getting ...moment is next...... 

"... the message must continue ' maybe we were both a little remisc ... however, please dont feel bad ....BECAUSUSE of your action ... i.e. the terrible mad sicck behaviour....  this amazing thing happened to me so rahh rahh 'thanks....  really... thank you so so much!!

" eg if the flaky  bumboy   date ...  say maybe

 ' sleeping at the train station having spent all my last cash on your fantasy date with me ...i met a so sexy homohobo  snoozing on the next  bench who has become the TRUE love of my life and we are already  in East Poland  adopting  our first,  state tortured,  but true love child from the orphanage ...  this bliss would not have happened if not for your sweet playful lovegames with me......aww bless....  you made such a biggest ever positive change in my life....we will name him after you... namaste... bless ... omni padre homo.... you ate in our hearts forever.....'

" or to the business thief, 'hey.... yes you are right about my personality disorders.... thanks for the tip and also wrangling with you ...  and reasoning i was useless at business ... i reverted back to my previous gambling addiction....  i lost my shirt to all my life....  but fuck me i just put a fiver on Red Rum comming back from the dead and winning the national, at a million to one...  and won! and if thats not all.. preparing to jump off a cliff,  before that bit of impossible luck...  me clearly good for nothing you rightly prove....getting my best trousers back from the dry cleaners so i look my best in the ambulance... i just  found an old lottery ticket in the pocket i had forgot i bought and having a quick look... thats a euromillions hunddred mill one!... as it eas ONLY you that lead to these lucks.... please keep me on mind if you ever want to sell your wonderful ethical business to.... but not for a while i eas do bad at it as you prived im going on a 10 year Harvard MBA course.... i can now afford '....

" obviously there are more subtle variations on this... believe me

"if you stop.... wait... breathe....  you can always find one.... and believe me it works:  YOU will feel long as you are poised and graceful enough in retort:  s/he wont be totally sure if you are being genuine or just maybe taking the piss..... ..

".. but remember if its true love...true committment ..

  you cannot  feel better....  cannot find a genuine  total real pukka silver lining...

. or pong back their way

 to  silence their their silly 


[ screenbased pingpong all they can do now]

" even if you...i .... write ten great books pretending so....

" love really is all there is.. there is no ping pong or gameplay ... or strategic pong, back her way....  or possible benefit, losing a valued one committed to... 

" but hahh hahh all this stuff on your phone... really.... try and get out of it or you will spend a ljfe being even sillier than you are...mister business owner

*borderline ( no personality) disorder