
Friday, 5 April 2024


 As Mr Cherr-Gerard once said

" i may be some time"

As ...kairos is: use the aggro your LONG planned ...her  kick up the bum, own advantage .

...... Mister Walks  needs to come to life now... 

indeed 6 mths ago it was plotted... and i have proxrastinated

And i do things methhodically ... such as get all files off the OLD identity laptop... prior to the


( yesteraft.... the moaning endless moaning.... you camnot go ANY where in this awful suburb even suposedly tough people outcrops [ thrme parked here]  ... rural people do not moan about the weather... .. they make the occasional joke about  mud getting between you and your sheep....  and into yer undies... or in her case [ the only one Ms Transition  to a real rural lass Helen] .. paanties.... [ welsh farmers, her 1 km from wales... show theu LIKE you and want to be friends by making sheepshagging jokes...leg pulls..tongue in cheek......  or 'T.I.C' as she ubderstood...or seemed to, so my heart is broken ..... and should be, just ONE shared lexicon would be nice in this lost babel.... one relaxed chat knowing  one woman ...on the same page..... FOR REAL..would be nice, clearly imposzible though.......and thats just the English " birds" .... 

anyway yes... moan moan..... i walked in..

"..... well.... you all need to blame only one person!!...  get reading the  fairy tales...maybe tgetes a solution in one....... and  then get all your whole moaning county on her....  it does seem that when she sent me the Groundhog day email.....  after about then... the storms for 6 months have never stopped....  not my fault, i play by the rules.. i know exactly what they are.....

 but .... maybe her  shaman vudu  is stronger than she knows.... even if it doesnt get to me...i love ALL weather...if you want this to stop.... well, two ' birds' and one stone i always believe in...."