
Monday, 8 April 2024

" Free speech"


As someone  arguably the most aware or 'technically savvy person on the ins and outs of law at the highest level - which means a combination of UK and ECHR law, in the land...  due to a major staged test case that affected more actual legal cases ongoing than any other - my then area of law larger than all other departments at the RCJ, i have also pondered why 'freedom of speech. What is it for? No not the usual cliches.. REALLY, what is it for in contemporary society?

Speaking today 4 hrs with a superb bright eyed couple -  her ... (private), a famously sort-of-cancelled person... due words,  in fact we proved why freedom of speech.

Cos as the story comes out...relaxedly -  them knowing i can be trusted, GOOD NEW ideas come out.

What to i mean: well in the case in point today, people huddled categorically more or less of the same oldschool, social democratic, 'right thinking' - i.e. universal human rights and egalitarianishim views..  still, in the UK can we ever really trust anyone? And there are so many conclusions and judgements jumped to.

But, with more affinities (and a 'shared oppression') than likely differences, there are still tensions, so it is not inappropriate to summon the 'dialectic method' as applying -  officially defined  as those with 'opposing' views, but most people don't really have opposing views, more variants or ..egos....and still in some ways are fighting... There may be tensions, uncertainties, and in that tense atmosphere akin to the 'dialectical method' new magic arises.. 1+1 = 3

As today: " the first aspect of the new currency society i cannot do is the CURRENCY of most seems to be moaning about illnesses and bodily diversions from just is their currency..i accept it. I hate it. I am 'broke' in more ways than one as it means i hardly have any friends either as i cannot moan about natural things that ..change..

But there is a new (last 10ish years)  second currency...  that of the [masses/ 'mob'] gaining 'power' ...fighting, scrapping,  getting promotion, advantage even money in denouncing others for their WORDS. 40 years ago we just used to call it"telling tales". In a gaol for example one may have called it a 'death sentence' if caught..or at least a right deep slash across the face.

But a decade ago... certainly by 5 years ago, calling others out for words, became a new currency. So i am doubly broke. But i do find it funny....

Now.... that new insight came in the midst of an enjoyed almost 'debate' with people i can relax with as i know we are on the same side...even with considerable differences  - lifestyle etc... it came, 1+1 = 3... i had never put it that way before,  because we were relaxed. We already knew we didnt have to word police.

And i make jokes about even a beloved accusing me of Groundhog Days...

We joke...(even if the harm caused from THEIR currency trading games... an be just as real as if Mister Potter decided to self harm his maker with actual real effective  vudu rather than the sort that emanates from Gweek... (i have poems still to publish on this about my Novemberish cancer...she dropped off a few weeks ago.... all i have ever wanted in life is to meet a REAL witch - they are the only women whom unequivocally turn me on autoerotically...reference Serafina .. Golden Compass the movie... she there clearly for the dads... but every one i ever meet who says she is a bit, theyre just shabby counterfeits... which doesnt half give even the broomstick in my boot awaiting a sublime duet one day, the droop..)


And i think there is so so so much poor thought on F.O.S. such as what's it for....certainly not for the 96.6% who dont need to talk about sex as officially they  report to the census as of one sex or the other and only like to have sex WITH the other.. they are not. 

And that whole thing... just steals from what it IS for..

See Sue Cameron's superb perfect book The Cheating Classes..

Ordinary people being ripped off, power gamed, bullied or otherwise damaged by the 'power' be they shabby vested interests like County Council social worker departments (many who actually hate heterosexual parents), or the polluters '/ nature terrorists  who would have me killed for revealing names, places...or if i show film (soon - of megga crimes never even looked at since i took them 2010 digging up the banks of protected River Wye..)  and put the name of the megga 'glamping' campsite that did so...

And it is for protecting workers rights - people actually mistreated at work - the 5% who actually are, rather than the 95% who lie about it for profit....  so we better have it for the companies who are lied about when (*****) lies to get a big payout falsely alleging "sexual harassment" now so common 10% of the NHS we hear suffer this crime ...

 In other words there is a LOT of REAL crime to talk about...perjury receives the same  max, theoretically, as child abduction... and that rarely gets prosecuted, so maybe we need a lot more tweeting about those crims... so that

justice is a game, but BEARING injustice, even the Chrets worked that out millennia kind of crucial?! Indeed i would say it is almost bodily-innate...  that we need witness bearing stuff......

Me i have millions (of witnesses from 21 years ago)  but i couldn't be bothered getting ANYone nicked- and thats an even higher form of justice:  having no need...cos one is at perfect peace..and sleeps 9 hours when one needs...