
Saturday, 6 April 2024

But if only

 ...she knew.

Even the recent interruption ( photo later.. they googleate you for one day....)

all is as if part of some bizarre little perfect plot....  not mine, i Just...went with the ' flow'

... even now, off to a socket, but in a quiet place.

My 1 year old freephone ...  best film and audio, doesnt have a 3.5 mil hole....fuckers... all my headphones oldschool cable and jack..

And i need to listen to audios made..dozens lately, to prioritise a few for now that tell ALL the stories - the real ones of 'NOW' .  .. figuratively they speak loudly if all the cant and vanity ... which frankly is just ignorant uneducated self obsessed self regarding,  stupidity  ..of 30 years.... 32 actually.

And there i am wandering down to Mrs Buzz's a week ago... 

and for" donations" only, are... two pairs of  unused still in their box, bluetooth  headphones....

the best one wasnt working....

until  now' just when i need it...

the great blowin' .. babe

errata, the tragedy of Britain, Mr To Die For...and his once superb axeman Phil....  if only he hadnt had such a spiv immage... 

i guess to snare the other great one ... fiddler  Lucy too...

One knew age 18 one must entirely reject.... him, above all....

And yet all along he had the greatest ' life force' of the lot...and even superb energy in old age...and funnily enough, knew how to subtly laugh at HIM self, too....

shame the Merm-o-fems didnt take a cue

especially when most imof them just wanna con enough cash to be at the same receptions... and reserve the right, to, himtoo

' reserving the right' ... to step out of their  treesister Polly Perfect


requires cash...

blessem, the amount who are now stuck with their con, now...for life

Cos only real bright eyes.... are attractive

And you cannot finf them at Holford inc...all that reading the ingredients small print, among other self obsessive neurosis 

makes you a far lesser " human" ... as they know cos no one is innately thick in their subconscious

except the chanting ..and ever her " medetative walk with me"  gets in the way of the 'flow' of 'awareness' of whats actually fucking, what: 

 their  neurotic body obsessed, 

con,  is over.

Anyway, nothing to do with me... because the definition of any ' new age' woman... or i should say all who arent fatchav ultra consumerists, and went to that con instead.... easier thab...rather than the DO ing stuff to save the tree, ('sisters')....or rivers.....


over years 

( months, their default,

 just long enough to get the radio 4 moaning


 causes more harm than good)

 which keeps you friendless...

 ( in UK, no woman in uk wishes to be around an actual "warrior" even a quietly  often undercover one such as it shows them up as just dilettante fakes of ciyourse .. any 3 year old could work that out)

  ....but still bright eyed...

And saddest of all, ' change' even laughing at your own selfish lost  past self.... 

my con most of my 20s thinking i was ' above' ' taking part' a bit...  and i coukd just look sebsetive and erudite reading tge Saturday Guardian in an S Ken cafe as act of  lerforming....  what i had not taking oart jf not just findi g out tge Stalinist reality of local givernment or' justice' systems.... so many of us were far too ' bohemian-good' to dirty our  chinos or new Levis sharing the same seats as the great ' unwasgmhed' ...far too focused on the new cool peoples interesting  nightclub ' ethnic'  dance club.... Time Out would brainwash us had enlightened  nirvana, under her tango tiptoes.....

Bullshit, 100% .... at least i lrinted a wird out 30 years ago to put at my writing desk....... i still have it .. one of two

A "  effete"

B  "  acedia"

i didnt need to remember, "you too mate.... were certainly  item A..." its why you were never happy enough or brave enough, to call your little bookshop item B  until a few years later.. thing i ever did

even if as it always does, it took a few years to TRULY ' embody' the real change  ( main reason never again listen to radio 4 chan.... 100 times a day one hears that non word con word as part if the next silly self obsessives  so called " insight" ... as they are adficted to the sound if their own saying-nothing ..voices)

give up old self, even symbolically use a word.... that sats, no going back, ever...

thats a tually real ' embodying' ... several years if feeling silly embarassed stupid..... every time i spoke my business name.... until i realised "nope... right...... superb real change.... name them...   mayve you are right" 

and every moment for 20 years .....but especially lastt year . has indeed  embodied only lovely  right eyed.... absolute certjtude and...always firm poo....

abd i even have found enough " birds" who state openly yes.... every single bit of them all... even her... went to toxic, dangerous damaging, crap... and i do not speak of the environment...i speak of  ...nust Be

but i dont just speak....or share any opinion/ fact.... fact......unless i have years of incontravertible treble backed up...proof..