
Saturday, 30 March 2024

They actually stole

 almost ' eureka' sat in the sun

in one sentence, nearly

1990ish i first encountered it ..landloping....if bored: 

the expensive parts  of London where obvious ex junkies who could just about manage a painted on smile ...often layers of foundation to cover the bruises  ... Fulham the posh end... ' new age' expendive shops... and the iccadional practitioner one would overhear in overpriced cafes if S Ken...

i knew then, leave! this will not go well...they were such obvious seedy ashramite fakes...

years on, now... so often hearing the ' l' word... they pimp endlrssly "love" every other eotd of their sha by fake sales pitch...

Billy Rowan their  crowdfunder prince,  whom pimps his pisspot for songwriting help, ' share your love' .. so he can write more ' save the planet' crap songs, he can ' only' write in a losmond in Bali....  the cash goes on ...the twitter  " i am sharing the love with you...from my songwriting hammock in Bali.... .i love you all" 

And even worse versions of  default ' love'  at every gathering of more than one  painted-pink Doc Martin boot...  ( midsummer, when sandals would do, thus saving their mother earths resources)

what they did is actually  steal, the  genuine love

i know what it is.  There is some of that stuff in most lives, sometimes at least

 They only  cheapen, confuse, steal, devalue, and sadly  always pervert it ...the greatest force in the universe, perhaps...the real love..... via their fraudulent endless Gladtonury  fake festival  sales pitch to make them seem.... loveable? ... or just a bit human when theyre merely selling rancid snake oil snd shit music.....i've had to tollerate far too long....