
Tuesday, 5 March 2024

sprung, clean

 " 'simple' stories" ...

the 'why'

after all weren't quite finished yet...

And now at last i really do know what the odyssey was...

when i wasn't even looking for that answer.

And peraps 'tain't quite finished yet..

But damn it... which is an ironic Monty Pythonish absurdist rejoinder, because the final ' simple' was in fact so as to Be free of time, and so what if the signal has gone so I cannot get up my big big monday morning, chunk - as text advertised, because nice weather is for cleaning, first...and i like cleaning.

And anyway i only thislunchtime realised i had given over the wrong book...

The right book.

a chunk on really Be ing refugee... always. Or most of the time...

And who's fault Mermism is... 

And why the women of Merm were  merely him.

And how to break free of them, Eckhart

Because i have it fown this morn, really  what they did... complicated who we always needed to Be... one or other... there are only two Be ing..modes...

But to do the book...soon.

And then interviews mixed with what a truly great weekend! 

in the can

in the cloud ...but i need my keyboard to weave it onto just some sense....

Tomorrow i guess.

Only because rainy days mean indoors tollerable to get to the last...socket.

Do come back....