Friday, 29 March 2024

so, the GREAT things....

 All the British princesses, made bimbo years ago by their butterflyitis and pretend prophet status on their Fakebook walls and all those...' friends'...

 ( deep fakes /  counterfeit humans  now have ended all casual internet  social use... we knew 2 yrs ago that was coming...its ...OHHH...VE...RRRR.... for good)

I mean 40 ish you are meant to grow up..ish.... study economcis a tad, perhaps... far more interesting than made up Eric Fromm, even...never mind their Tolle... because it is about the actual real life quirks of people.. its all personal...

But all of years coming into stark focus: today... a ghostown ! top Pastyland tourist haven... there was only one other vehicle in the car park half the afternoon..... thats IT...long timepredicted, cliff edge time...

all the gurus with nothing ever to sell worth buying , except conning poor sheep into  further confusion....  out of business, soon....  which will Be healthy for them.... except the many ive known will stress for years over smallest conflow downturn im turnover

And having meandered 3 Natural Stores at length...insife job.... the last few my i had no idea quite how  intense vudu sales  rip off the operation was ( but as always i found one sane woman who did see through her shop Be ing megga part of the problem..

until her boss overhearing, from her fakebook or whatever other screen in use to conjob her idiot customer base... calls her in..brusquely..... not even the manners to pop her head downstairs nicely and ask her up when she had a moment finished serving the nice man... 

( purest sublime theatre.. a gorgeous Monty Python,  the not devennomed sort, scene in a play one day someone can write...the material is never ending)

Worst recession ever... started

only the actual ' mindful' will  manage to not die of boredom, several years at least now of ' cost of living' 'crisis' ... moan moan forever moan...proving no one listened to ' less is more'...sad as i know its the only wisdom...

( and now endkess rights moaning,  will soon home, food... 'medicine' theyre all addicted to... ...people shouldnt have rights if all were too decadent to even go to one dull council meeting and EXERCISE your rights..maybe just once a lifetime!.)

And then even an interview with a doctor ( even Labour say basically if they get in no money left to increase spending.....2.6 trillion aint goin' away.....only real wars or cataclysmic depressions ' inflate'  away massive state debt ( or get a payment pity-holiday for a while if enough dead people in hostilities) 

but a  doctor interview recently: " ehhh.... hi.... can i just ask..... my parents quite well off before my dad's dam burst due dodgy panneling and a client sued him to bankruptcy ....thank god, so so much better for mindfulness if you know not a bean to inherit...make your own bed...only..... but  before then, even i knew age 20ish based  in  humble quite poor West London... i must NOT go to the doc  unless i am  really really sick.... for i will use up the limited appointments, someone maybe 60 on verge of fatal stroke may need.... restrain myself! . dont go.... wait for nature to take its course and even if rarely v ill...i didnt go...and nature always sorted it out in time.... i took that choice v seriously... fretted over it for days sometimes... as part of my responsibility in ' society' even if i cant stand this society... so doc do you come across that still these days in anyone...?"

The doc literally had no idea what i was talking about

Well one day... they may be reminded.... when uk credit rating reflects middle class visitor numbers to a top tourist region for middle class....  who can afford to be fleeced at the pub, lunchtime if weather not so bril..

And most pundits serm to think ww3  lite, at least a serious possibility...

Gaza a racist contruct  all that attention when 50x dead in Congo or whatever the x 

is.... except it is wordwide symbolic and racist to think the Chinks havent noticef.. so if they havent even sanctioned the Jens of the top world victim peeps  .. loss of human rights not to Be war crimed.. theyre .... hardly gonna even lose a night's sleep if Taiwan is reclaimed... full, quick,  Power of NOW... who cares about the blown up babies,  version...

fait accompli is good for the soul.... makes you think, and know you have no one else to blame... and better make sure your allies actually love you, too.. the real version . .

 where they value you for something REAL that is useful for the future of a post Eckhart, NOW you reap what you sewed... millions of warped kids of Eckhart fans..  who will Be hungry...soon. 

No one in UK i know can do - even know what values are useful in less ' safe' timed........ so,  yer fucked

good for me years of practice, no one reliable

thats all i sought 25 years one line...retreating forever from London 

" god theyre all  nowadays so FLAKY here .... mskrsxlife not wirth living, good riddance.."

  bully for them, bad for me,  they gradually colonised past region too ...

May Be ultimately ' good' for me...i am  now used to having noone reliable ever in my life ever.....

So at least am way ahead of the learning curve in respect of what happens when real near civil war begins...

and have read the great literature ..ALL the Russians, many  great Jewish oppression books, fair few India  / other struggling peoples...loadsa Middle East.... its always the same... bloodbaths or even hunger starts: you ONLY have your family...

no one else can Be trusted or should Be

As we said 35 years ago " the newage space cadets ..  poor things... really  dont make themselves happy... guess  it's that theyre smarter than they pretend... deep down they know if you live by the con...sooner or later  there will Be a down side...and all of em put together didnt have the wisdom to actually change  one " human" s nature... their own....