
Wednesday 13 March 2024

One Hundred Days of..Hermitude*

 ( the rhythm, if you noze in here... for a year  no matter what the fuck she thinks .. sat there a  sulkin' " bird" her sanctuary...

for the military... the best of all encountered,  tweeted yesteraft to my face ' yes just so 'orrid  over there all that military.....')

Superb interview with mine near God Gabriel's son lastereve or aft ... " well my daddy ... sulking in his grave, nope! beyond it he no longer controlls his art.. .. art shoild be freed for all its not copyright he,  can burn it with his corpse.......we didnt even have to think for five seconds if we should publish it    ... it's the PURPOSE... of the next generation to undermine their folks... ...even if my daddy was one of the greatest ever to live... "


Mister shop 

"  so hark sir...  what's goin on what do you think?..."

" well...ask me i just an ' 'umble shopkeeper...aside the richfolk town...and fair dinkum.... only one armed robbery of late, under my belt....  but just one thing you ask.... its the RAGE... the anger... everywhere.... even 'ear..."

but the perfect Mermsong


sums 'em up perfectly

( especiall as rediscovered in my minidisc  and headphones machinery... 

at Alithea'd trenching [ deepest digging, turning and manuring  veg beds-  the hardest of all slave jobs] February 2019.... her absurd manchild and his 50 grand pickup and 100 grand fancy manhauling lego machine...  had no sense of time and motion -no flow, no quiet muckdigger dance inside him..all fancy showoff manchild machinery.... no mental map and yrulu zenned jobflow....picture of where the tons of muck should Be,

 to methodically,

 in harmony with the ground...

and slopes

 Be wheelbarrowed over to  the final destination... never mind respect a fellow man working on the land...

 that movie, soon...)

"face... to....face.... 

.....two face...

two face... two face" 

* = her wonderful word, never heard before... now i need i have a best yet new territory, 

within which to ...Be... gone to ground

So as to artistically create

something semblence of something good

Never too late