
Wednesday, 6 March 2024

My [innix]



Mrs Slash should take a lesson out of the only copy book

If you say the greatest words ever....

And then turn into such a nasty in "human" junky that according to inside sources...

the wet hamster - no balls to Be even a rat,  of a bruvva, there.... " Slash 'n Axe would go to parties shooting up young dopey babes who were havin'a kip.... with their heroine and other cocktails of ... there is a LINE..."  theyre not gettin''cancelled'...

and shouldv taken temselves out to be shot

Be fore my lass got to see the old  evil i never did. Buti saw Lizzy at their best, and ... sorry AC/Dc at their very best, and sorry... the wonky Canadian Ayn Randians... went and started

"what failure to ...communi ...Kate...."

Having educated myself solo in part the great books before the little junk peddlers of Waterstones 'smart thinking' table went and shoved dodgy heroine rightinto the veins of the dopey so called smart clas five or so years before...she arrived... (or was it 3 whats a year when so much happened that two years..) 

And came...

That year of actual fullest schism, 92

The ' enlightened' education was to be had at Nottin  nowadays, Ill Coronet...I saw Bruce's good one.. Killing Fields and sloped  out a far smaller man, avig met Bruce's Dith... i still remember his name..Pran...

an actual REAL man

but even more so The Curzon

A regular Mayfair of real enlightened modern real thought especially the homo ones.... correctly in their actual reflective  proportion of a few a year

Among the greats.

But.. fast forward this last nine months of gestation.

(oh bugger i forgitme boosteroo... the brown mong of course wont have .l.i.stened... because nine hours sleep, quite  a lot of Thelm'Lou walkin.... and never mind a rebirthday but ts impossible i feel actually fitter and youngerthan by June ish in the glorious year of the great stop and..... 

load the best musac ever now you have time...  its great to have the lump out of the belly or be the lumpdroppin' ready to challenge mine self age 25 to a duel of all manly [ deliberate errata as babes are 95% as long as lifestyle is  washingthe dishes by hand rather than sucking up to billionaires sothey can have two machines...i never even owned a microwave...and win fitter and mojo 100% ish than ever.)

right i have so much to remember it may even take two days.

Ooops theres even a bun in the oven from yesterday

But whist i have this very last plate ....

a spinnin, though....

failure to communicate

Meghan Saum, Sam johad Harris.... David distrous ponzi man Fuller...even fat man Eric the  Weinstein...

never mind the childmen Peterson and TRiggernometry...

Take just one year of 

the year Be fore she came... 91

A superb movie   - having rewatched on their cliff sundaynight... by a babe

do it with genius writing and ing....

ok dodgy Ridley directed with his vioelent women hating Blade  runnung through {her.. Hedgehog imaginer's head

 - her fave she said].

.... as the scene where  the babe robots are eviscerated is as  wishful thinking as you can get to a 'suggestable' man... in fact a i bet a few cereal packet killers wee motivated by just that moment...maybe even UKs two recent chart toppers...

both NHS workers...

say no more,

 to Serbian tv when i apply for assylum...

they only munch babies in my bad  loving icebreaker, jokes... 

Yes Sam Harris .. especially Meghan and Sarah.... " oh woe is us the negro Harvard boss showed us DIVERSITY was a bad joke all along.... so we shall just make jokes about it now.."


we have always had a failure to communicate:  factsplease.

If, as in a piece i actually Be leave... in the 4chan smart alec Belfield hating  (oops that went wrong, a smart person has to use THREE sentences to communicate even a simplest issue... so he just personified,...his mum Katie Hopkins..)

Kate Rusby, Edward Bond, Eve Steele and the decline of female filmmakers

the first name on that list is indeed Merm musac maker.. i had NO idea how bad she was....

But... a good simple facts based report, the data.... 

"DIVERSITY " via enforced fuck off no cash for you...has quite correctly caused the state funded BFI to fund equal amounts of women writers... (but someone needs to knock on their door and remind them the census 5 or 6 mths ago actually stated 3.5% ish  are homo or other deviant variant....  of fashion sense...

every other woman movie on lezie merms for the incomers to Pasty landshire who got all the cash as they stole it...

from London ... men or other crocodiles such as the IDF pension fund...

As there is simply no way this continual new fashion attire (except her boots lastereve in Lidly... ony twice in my life have i began a cheeky chat  with actual Kate Mss before she got chuckup lines... of a city on her face...." must be rich to buy that while basket of nuts....but ...please...let me lick your boots  ...i noticed them from the other end of the sceptic aisle.... real mud... just like back in the actual rural countryside unlike here Surrey-on-Stepford-went-to-sea.......and she


not at all Mossy.. i mean eye mask poppin...

Beatin Jenny The Ag

in bein a Trojan Horse.... 

the way even my principled authentic skin...

But i beat her, i made her smile..a real one " i know exactly what you mean.."

Anyway.. i digresserate  because none of the above is the meat and twi veg i cooked up the birthdaytreat.

Other than if more than stood the test of time....

nastyman who behaves,

 over the line

pullin' err kicks down without sayin please...

But the way she wrote it all.... all of it... is perfect even to a pacifist ... justive served  via the cold heat of the bullet right where it hurt...

Those three sentences: well some diversity has been Mss Placed.... for sure,so even says my Mong... he knows it doesnt work, especially in atters of skintone or tan level....but some quotas - fair share of the pie, especially the biggest fat ones you do have to earn on merit, at the box office...which by 92 were so totally evolved in two countries, one she arrived in.....and the real Renaissance and Enlightenment really were at ast done..... especially via the best of cinema,then.....  categorically are not just essential, should be rit into lore... 

But... get it wrong...or putthe Merms in Just over there...and fuckit 

Indeed there should be a commission 

never mind fine BFI

 diviing out the cash equally

as categorically is clearly necessary

In that world...

IN what fairsharity is necessary

and works

and which of it  goes wrong and doesnt

But one thing is for certain one would need a whole gang of Solomon's to work out that manifesto ... and i dont even know if one exists any more.

(the year 92...also i sat there one day in my old banger by Nottin Ill and heard on some quite good discussion " Uk society has seemingly Be gun  something of a dumbing down"  a reason we did actually eed the BBC to actually ell sane and good truth...not that they help, i guess as it made no diference... poor woman arriving just at that moment.

But there is ne thing that is Slobodon, won, bbqd all non Serb babes...  and went to the library... to rewrite the truth " we started it,  Be cause we we had seen more Rambo movies,  and won" when the Croats were the first baddies...

Rewriting the truth is maybe even worse than maybe even a lite glass of Jen  o' cidering 

That i shall not have.... especially as i rather enjoy writing and waffling  my memoirs whilst i have no rotten wod to fix or other worthy deeds...

and have a lethally great memory...

of course all English women utterldecry and fear so...Be it

i was always a REAL refugee unlike all the frauds who banana boated up the smelly Thames 

And i now know


Having refound my people at the weekend.

to Be cont
