All i know
one of very few
( Georgina got it "god the gaudiness i had to put up with, as a lad.... everyone else a humble Moggy Minor...ourplace The showoff.. Interceptor, and a fuckin Scimitar GTX..."
" metoo....i know exactly what you mean")
changes in fifty dull years.
To old man real environmentally caring,
every weed a 'flower', for every Bee to live a bew day, on
Ralph, fifty years ago:
" ehhh up..
...i was wanderin' my upper [ Clywydian] hills yestereve...
" god i saw something so new, weird, ugly, horrible... unnatural.....never Be fore....
no way though it'll better not catch on !!
" some walkers coming out from up the lane, onto the high hillls, brackened common land...
" set up their tent up there...all very well .. lucky them, best spot for the night ... but their walking tops god i coukd see them from 5km away... ferkin neon bright, ..
blazing horrid flashing scene from a horror flic, burned into my minds eye..
...jesus christ what a fright!.. "
And now... its 75% ...or more
from even first light here... no traffic near!
Day in and
outside... almost compulsory
Everywhere, a badge of what, exactly?
Not Be ing.... of the natural place?
Domination, via some sick neon-performing nation?
.... as long as i can Be somewhere, this one actual horrid change, i hardly ever see
Certainly not Gwerk--on-lookatme-ratsranoff-with-"human"ity
or all that militareyesed side... of this playground place
Owned by no one who knows how to actually
At life, is just a game... some you win, some you lost