
Thursday, 7 March 2024

But then...

 she doesnt know....

lije all the rest ...poizined by Eckhartitis

as lethal as Putin's plutonium sarnies.. 

The one lament i have about Europe...

There are some great female descendents of the  first wave

of political blokes...

the very best Slavenka's ..Fly

The next  best Annie's

( though she needed to add in real life, the scent of a woman... who couldnt have even a shower for 101 days i wanted to know her simplifying evolution... i wanted to know about her back itching from hives and unwashed prstilence.... i jest as its all quite natural ...and the BODY  looks after itself quite ok in time....but you gotta stick in so.e interesting real bio!!)


As so often...

( oh yes the one travelogue i really should start with...  starting 2016... i began an a sub odyssey... very little cash due a year of  Rachmanitis by then...  day in and out... landloping the charity shops  for 50km in all directions...

no matter how damaged by the viscious greedy Pole and her psycho militarist nonman as men stay by their kids...

 ( " lasterMay to the wonderful 30 year old Polish banker biker .. the one and  only true wonderful " human"  and best mind by far,  i have met... or i have ever met at Hay meggafest'o literary tarts 

 " ehhh... 90s..i often think..... they beamed in every night for  free   Pretty Woman  ... and poor things i think they thought it was a documentary .. go to the West and get free Feraris and glitzy shopping  ...  ignoring the terms and conditions...of being an actual hooker... "  

" [ her laughter, only the most beautiful, leather clad, can mean,  a real  eye to eye, laugh] " i have never met anyone who desribes my muvva- fucked..homeland so well...")

No intetest in even the one hopeful kiddo...even if she shouldnt exist..i just dont understand   ... maybe a hologram ... in fact  she was almost proof  of them    

ehh ... charity shops...gather magnificent library of newer literature for lass... crawling on all fours at times... ( until i found Ove again, 5 years on.... so hard to get as peeps dont want to charity shop dump it....its so good...... having lent it to a Kington older  " bird" 5 years prior.... who promised on her kids' lives !! to return it.. and my phone number i scrawled in the front, so she could.  .)  and as i wandered i would interview folk at the shelves... 5 years that sub odyssey took...

until i found it in Leominster, in a last gasp  crawl....... last place in the whole prstilent tegion one may expect...

 But my lament.

Ok we have Rachel Kushner.. even if the lifeforce, being in yankland... its complex and deathwish....  ehhhmmm but i can't find any others this century....

Bel Canto 75% ... live on even if it ends with a massacre

except poor Bella... her How To Kill Your Family is basically about shooting Merms in fancy parts of London, before they infect my wild places... dressed up as a daddy issues book...  where she stabs her own dad actually in the backtoo, her being  thrice, very  very cheeky about his actual rag he was editor of,  The Guardian...  blaming quite rightly  only The  ( post about 2010) Guardian for  all the worlds ills...

why she hasnt neen heralded as the new  Sollzhenytsen and Yevgenya Ginsberg in one... utterly genius " human"  ..

is because of Mermism who rule the culture..

And anyway she ends up in vlink... and we discover a MAN controlled her all along... a weird twist rather sad..

so excepting these rare,  notzadiesmith, real books... that tried...

but if we go back in time a bit...

the last century

Perriam from the last one...( century) ... Faith Bleasdale rather fab.. and others.... cheeky, funny, rude, unreverant...and so so deeply thoughtful....

great snarky Britbabes in 



But whereas Britlit... which doesnt even desrve to be so called...'lit'  as of about 05 becomes moan moan i have something ' wrong' with me moan moan ..we can start a Fakebook adhd  ' neurodivergent' or otherlabel page to make us look good... and prostitute sales to our willing a circle of self....hate

( and reserve the rights... claim  enhanced sickness benefit  for yet another unfixable label.. which also gets priority on the housing list in the only European country that developed the home...into the pension.. ) lament firstly, there is NO literature in the UK about how to LIVE... on

with lifeforce.  


gusto and pluck.. 

( excepting.. the feathers off the " bird"   so as to make her an object of...pity)

and we all know the elephant will squash Ealenor at some point.. because thats what she wants...

But there is a whole genre in European places

of the very opposite: 

Man called Ove

Reader 6.27

Pereira Maintains

High Mountains of Portugal ( minorly wonky avant garde)

Elegance of the Hedgehog...( but only partly)

and then  some cinema...

the greatest example

of HOW to ...LIVE ...on

without moaning....

and with pluck...and spirit...

 fight back with guile and

 love ..

And there will Be others.... in Europetoo

But the lament: none except tbe halfbreed Hedgehog above...are written by


I truly for a decade have been perplexed by this. . dont like to admit it!

And then .. Nov 2022....i read  her.. " bird" thing....

demeaning language by Cornish childmen.   who couldnt be bothered to grow up nd not use such bad demeaning  words.. as even the stoneage men of Wales would have by  2008 or 9ish.. fact by about 1985...  ( i dont think she knew how sexist that word was... even by about 1985)

a bloody period streaming down the skirt if i recall..or some artsy farty menses section....




ends up jolly 

joy i Be

cheerful, dancin a bit... and living ...on!!!!!!

At last i found a Euro book,  even if cutback version... by a Eurobabe... 

about how to fuckin




shame she cant Be her own..filmbook