
Saturday, 17 February 2024

 actually theres another rule for sane people too cowardly to try everything once, except hardest drugs  and anything to do with bums....

hahhh hahh its just come back!!  them muses...  new rule  i juzt thought of made me rememberthink of rule to weave on with vans and walks... i thought of just before

 new new ..if too cowardly to  try just once Be ing married... not trusting your staying power... and mind changes... well, marry anyone... with NO secrets... who may have splurged utterly everything imaginble to any old fool...cos secrets and " ooowwwww my  onion skin layers you may just get to peel" are so boring  after about 30...they are for children...  grown up life starts when that silly s word no longer exists..

i know no English men who piss every word as  to start her fire.. the real version... 

which brings me back to rules, simple ones

what was BREXIT... well girls you may not know  this but there is a CAST iron rule of the pissoir .... lined up, if a few concurrent pissin' you do not ever ever overtly glance aside.. the few that do are very confused often a bit autodidact dickhead.. i dont think even propper homos do... 

But i tell you something  for 100% sure

Nigel... Aarom Banks... very Nigeish... all of those chaps... very very pubbish Nigel even pods from the 'pub'  

i tell you 100% for sure.. every bloke who finds himself in the pissoir with Nige and says " ehh up did a great job, bloke..."  breaks that cast ironest rule...

every single one of them.. has a look... and not a  scotch ' wee look'  either ...  a long hard look....

At what it was really about... 

And footnote, most of them know that economically stickin one up your own bum... no soft brexit or indeed any eazing in or out  lubricant painful  

err go..

from here ... pleasee.... if you value your finest


I do

But i shall cry tomorrow morning 

( i got a request playef once... err... put in a week before ... we nuclear  blew up [ due childtheft not err fault even if lucky escape] ... and he played a great one but i forget...   Perry Como i think...   only one man twisted the mental deficiencees  and breeding habits, of  homo 

naransafraudallthe dullsecretstheykeep/notverysapient/pissinitsownhouseboatcreeks  into something... even she may have a bit of freeform unstoppable  piddletime at... if she could stop trying to Be Eckhart... 

but even i am a better actor than her .. in that, one of my not genius total  deficiencies ...