
Monday, 26 February 2024

The big fix/con

 ... righty ho

( as we have today " 1/3 of youngsters report mental health problems that are [ one assumes, our so called journalists even on 200 grand of taxpayer bbc cash, are never able to utter simple sentences such as: '  have mental health issues,  over the line, rather than made up to skive work/ school/being in a room with mum on drugs or cider,  such that they have formally registered their ill phase with an actual gp' so its never simple... so many come on saying ' 10, 000  have been killed or injured' ehh theres a fuck of a big difference between those entirely different words.. rolled in to one as dumbed down fake point  by fake campaigners, as always basically  using really dumb ' dark arts' after a bigger slice of grant or NGO funding pie].... quite bad.." I think they mean actually genuinely debilatating...

Which is a real thing.

And in fact my own quite extensive unplanned experience is it is far worse [ in the UK,NOT in the EU various wonderfull EU folk i have met  and riffed with at great length  - and officially interviewed the last 9 months, have categorically confirmed..!!!!!!!!!!!!]: 

last 14 years, not in any way sought at all - indeed almost the opposite, only grief processing hermitude  would do.... i have had 6 under 30s under my wing meaning long long periods of regular good chats, not  in any way sagely domimeering, discovering their great freethinling minds attitudes

.. hopes....  all would call themselves humble origin, top 10% of mental ability and philosophical depth... all i gradually nurtured their own real onterests to 'take part' but nudging to some good cultural stuff to guide...  good films and books... Land of the Blind/ one flew over the cuckoo... The Georgian gorgeous peace film Tangerines...etc

And even after 7 or 8 years stability....  one after the other ... none knew any of the others...all random encounters landloping or even shopping for a dumbphone ...each had a total crack up it would appear

Meaning, ok crack ups can be very productive, but when you know someone pretty well and they are open about PAST wonkiness and slowly slowly ease into their maturer phase of starting to use their wise evolutions.... and STILL crack up ... 'clinically'.... ehhhh... your society is truly up the junction

But...or not 'but'

Two seemingly wonderful 30 somethings in a week...

eco talk, and a sense of  them having strength... frank enough, open, bright eyed...

EXACTLY the person you wish to say " yoi are so wobderful hey for you not me you  need to write or if onclied Be another Sarah Champion.... [ which one CAN Be for time limited few years.. the mistake we all make, it must Be forever... nope a few years if you are authentic and understand ' the common good'   plus reality, is better than 30 years of Starmer or any Green we have ever had ...]

But.... although beautiful in a certain way ( to my extremely ultra poetical side... 

...having today listened to the snidest cow in the universe try and get a Tory to use the 'r' word... when quite rightly he just said "  he was wrong"

i am the most 'racist' cunt in the universe, as for years from abput 2015..i meandered through The Guardian best films of the century list...

but skipped one at #5 or maybe even#3 [ i have full photographic records of all my own real sins one day i shall share... omitting non sins, being i skipped the 20% homo content, a   tad unfair on the 96.6% who ifficially arent...on that list. Having in earlier decades fully loyally watched every subtly homo Dirk Bogarde piece of beuautiful genius and read all his great books, and even watched diligently the homo oscaratious Moonlight. From Og: What Was the Point of Moonlight? Moonlight is a beautiful, simply told coming-of-age story with a focus on identity, or more specifically sexuality and how that intersects with masculinity. One of the movie's greatest strengths is the way it uses three distinct sequences to build depth and momentum.4 Jul 2023 ]

ehh wrong, there was almost no point in Moonlight other than to fakeit for a gong... and ... well i cant think of any other point as i forgot the movie entirely, it is so forgettably  forgettable.. and i have a great memory for great movies will pn my death bed still recall Jenny's uptree gusset  in the genius Walkabout.. 

anyway that list, hatecrimethoughtbubble:  leave it until very last if i am desperate for viewing one night, no way can the abbos grip my heart and twist it such that the tears of loser  Jesus' wrung out jockstrap,  fall down my whitey face  and i cannot stop and cannot stop  eing deweyeyed,  just riting this pamphlet ear 'n now...and... forever love abbos for exactly what they are

equal beautiful sometimes fucked up took a rong turn,  real full on   dignified "humans"

and so much real laughter in that film it should be banned!

one of the greatest films ever, and THE greatest ever artistic  collaboration in history,  daughter [ her musac, sublime] and

i mean how can any young woman write music like this its fuckin impozzible... and proves all whitey elite classical musac is racially salfhatestupid as too prejudiced to bother having it on loop

will be on i only just discovetmred not a hatecrimearrestable to publish links  to vumoo, as they arent officially a provider they just link to pirated freebies..of almost all film ever...

so yes... i looked into her eyes [ via the movie] as she cant see into his,both of em zonked on the glue or sniffin petrol.... and true truest pathos poignancy and " humanity" is in that simply extraordinary lifechanger film....

with a happy ending!! infact better than ' happy' ..real...

no brit could even understand...

but as sometimes i speak with thebalanced so alive  30 summits... i see maybe i am wrong... they seem to be just a bit  filled up with such hurt ... tears almost welling in their eyes....

its almost as perfect " human" as Warwick at his genius best ever....

but... too hard for me to even broach ( i think deep down theyre so frenetic  dangerous really)

i want to know is it real? and how can we...plural... really get them through it all...?

but i know that Gabor and his feel sorry for the trauma, cos it makes Gabor look good ( and he gets to advertise even fancy fake supercoffee in Padtyland crimbo markets)  is the exact opposite... 

... he  on glue, or an ultra petrol head...gets smashed up by a motor....

and the greatest real metaphor of all:  even pathetic Gurjieff was too meek to manage... and the other would Be gurus  cant make any cash from:

it turns out to Be .... what he



the most interesting word in this curious language

you dont find on the real menus.... of how to Be