
Sunday, 4 February 2024

Re start, on a low

 Some bird who doesn't even warrant the quotation marks of the fine " bodily" one...

This morn in the warm breezy shorts wearin dawn, going on about her body....

Performative moan moan, but moaning about a manky neck is one thing ( these pages a few weeks back give you the free, real healing version, which involves head butting the hardest ground and fixing the mountaintop fences...which works). As a propper intellectual having monitored for several decades the way that ' fixing' any perceived ' failure' of the body, become for any woman given a microphone for xmas, the arms race to heaven...

And thus, sorry, every middle class ( official definition, has read a bookshelf full of fairly intellgent  fiction stories on real books, that do  not include any ' horror' so forget Iain Banks,  i so hate being an aristocrat, knowing all class kayering in fact hurts those on the tio as much as precariat hungry cliffedge dancers,  but am one... )  peep.. of the feminine (nonword) type

 ...  piled into this arms race of saying ever ever smart weapon things about ' fixing'  all sorts of things  ' wrong ' with ' them' ... martyrs Be ing... so so so hard work performing Mum Theresa to the so 'unwell' wellness seekers...  and of course since online became a non 'thing' they spend so long on it  figuring even more earnestpiety ... acts [ performances i mean], they forget to get up in the morning and go for a walk... 

infact basically there are so many faulty bits  they have to be endlessly fixing ...i would sue the ' spiritual' forces with propper testcases  if i were them ... thats a real grown up fightback ...

I met one whom at 77.... looks to Be ...what they all want.. a decade younger

And there is only one thing that keeps you well and young lookin...

I dont have to ask her if she spends all night gazing with her incredibly bright eyes  and upright  straight backbone,  at screens of  her sex, arms racing to be the fattest queen of fixin the rest..