
Thursday, 15 February 2024

Paulo The Pimp

 for whom all the world's a stage

Bingo got it

Her book 

twenty years ago...

Merm # 1

( hiding her  half a bot Jack Daniels just to have a chat... with us... in her Natural Store bag no doubt, and i am serious)

Paulo  ( top worldwide salesman industry) 

has his ' heroines'  off road trippin....

largely chasin some  better bloke

they saw on a stage

performative pulpit; workshop guru;

doubtless tango master,   too

His babes must  seek ... fly 

off butterfly

to pastures  spied

via him up there performing...

bright eyed

And whom among any sane "human" doesnt know

that give a dog a stage

and it will get dizzy 

in fact is one set in a treehouse? if my memory serves

man up above being ethereal in his treehouse

Mermaid must pinch my mother's antique trunk 

i had fully refurbished and painted over as much trace of her

proto merm 

cant and vanity,

 but no mother issues

that night we had ...on

nope... off to find the guru preacher knowing teacher

and head off into the sunset 

rather than keep her many times stated


to my lass... 

even 20 years ago " our new cute baby rescued hedge...  its like he is our family, too.." 

Doesnt look like ger quest did her much good by her  Fakebkok pics a decade on.

That  unusually, werent: 

The hurt pain greying self pity.. selfied


"Thats not in Paulo! "

In Paulo it always works, rjn away and find greener spiritual pastures just over...the Pyrennees or....