( " Z...i know she won't have.... i just know...popped by to ask not that its my Biz.... i met this simply most convincing best ever feminine mind on the cliffs above the fucked up seas.... [ have to
restrain myself in order
to NOT even slightly nudge this desk.... the so so crap 3 year old Dell femenine holes and sticky inbits so badly made theyve worn out all ready....
dont disconnect trying to double back up data awaiting phone chuck it in her river... imagine pic of phone plugged into laptoop...MY desk fuck off you should know by now i sit here and...if she blushes now and again i can feel the heat of her in my back...even from here]
"but i know it will be all 'femenine' holey...and she will have forgotten ... superbest ever dynamic truth talkin 27 year old mong - theyre the best, 1 + 1 = 3
"...half Germ and half YUK.... a senior marine biologist based at Plymouth... her love lives here....
" she told me ...we stood on the cliffs in the howling gale that separated truth from reality....
" we discussed 'tall, her back upright
"'tall... and told me as if [ cant think of a line for now except chaos and turmoil prevails - borrowed ... very very few are..] ... the last 100000 years of mumbo jumbo inhuman vainly cantin inanity had... been wiped clean.... ' yes its all the chemical crap they put on themselves... ruined the fishes and ... i dont tell tales only fact not pantyphantasy.....
we find the trails of it all throughout marine biology' ....
"I told her of you ... 'the only one i can say it all to, smiles even at jokes about her being world record dolly "bird" queen of the chem trails around her neck.' and you alone she should seek out.... and figure together ....on King Kong, his cheque book...REAL art about reality..... of what they did to the fish in the sea... and she promised she...would")
May Be it even has magic powers without needing to be 'alchemised' into something it could never
pure and
" i need to meet you again...so i can figure a way of STEALING it..its so perfect....."
And a real artist TOO..... and real anthrapologist (After The Ice, Methen... best i have read....)