
Saturday, 17 February 2024

meanwhile, nope ..i thought my copyright had been


23 years ago one line in a notepad open

" how to [ short cut horrid phrase but who knows maybe works to simplify] 'sex up'  the environmental cause..??!!?!! .." 

yesteraft to The Mormon: " you...a Man of Science... have you heard of Sabine.. yes usual you will have thought you are better than to go to Hilary's next door... Sabine at Hil' s high table...probably gets sponsored by him to deny climate change he is so boody Lawsonish.. was it Nigel the one who got to be famous for doing something,  rather than spending daddy's cash Hay... Anyway IAI really is the new OUP of science Youtube even jf he breaks the rukes of honour and 20 minutes of Sabine is all you get for free.. rest behind paywall... some may say as vefitting his hairytage but i know he id as 100% aryan as you can get so no its just hes a jealous  ex public schoolboy ..jealous of the real Hay festival....and folk who got love as children... 

[ aww drat  i aleays forget with him, the tdue fundamentalists they let you speak,   thry cannot listen so all words are confetti, like in London-on-Pastylandshire-bad-horror-movie-no-laughs he.. 10+ dull years,  always jumps in with a huff... inyerupts my jmusual ( face to face, never a black eye)

" giz the  sky faerie  book... page 2 ...ahh my red pen.. top right hand corner, i shall vmcircle it for you Matt with huge pickup no kids least some of the Gwerkianites Yummies,  need 2 seats  to go to hotmindfulofyoga and  nothing else,  in theirs ... let me circle it in red 'you WILL look after my garden' ...   and you just remenber your gaffer generally has a really stingy ' or else' innate in any of his orders.. ... [ too big a word, innate,  for middle class very very statuscar  Jehovas witnesses... especially Nicky and her very expensive number plate... i mrant it do many times " my price,m: first time she came cashpimpin my old gaf... god dhes viscious after i asked her real questions .. i challenged her to a duel there and then 7 or 8 years ago.... she is do fabulously man hate your best internal  man bait   even i said i will respect the outcome... my words against yours... with an audience, every single one if whom  woukd know both contenders in fact have only one battle in mind... exactly as depicted by the doubtlessed repressed everything, genius pathetic Emir can just stick his in a pathetic showoff  red dress and elevate her across a room  and plop her down in the marriage seat...

the culture wars have not even begun...

now i know my reader.... and i so so like her... i have to confesd... anyway back to  Nicki [ so fabulously skinny  its daft, defo recent annorexic turned to 'fathergod ' to fill the hole from years of mentally ill starvation... 

every JW for 50 km radius knew my terms... 

' i  dictate.. if you want peace treaty, and conversation...  that duel..."  every single one, and i made sure the wotd got back to her...

knew was only for one thing..... 

let her get it our if her a way no Serbian fake 'desire' dance could possibly begin to ... choreograph 

you gotta be wonky English, or Nicky,  bursting with repressed everything, to

give the whole world a hard on...

and a great artist to make ACTUALLY great  slightly absurdist  surrealist films...] 

where was i... ehhhh... " Nicky.. your toyboys big one i see youtoo drive around.. you know my bible redpen routine...  even if i have yet to convert one of your many brethren ive done high rudk soul saviour work on  why wont you let me do yours ..  awwww cmmon... ill let you tear my eyes out if you do... as you know what they see and you cannot decide  if i am the devil daddyjesus too with a  big big penchant for incest in your casd  ... or rather dont see between our fevered sincerely all the way  to the death battling bods... when i think of our duel...."

ehhmmm... yes the mormon

 sabine rightly super top respected  science babe, Hilary's high table. for cashtoo no doubt...  well her ' i hope i got the numbers wrong' vid is ratgrr...ohh youve read the articke....nohhh see her... she tells her story,  and brilliantly even parodies herself... she has me hooked... you dhow your rich  Chret bigot buddies....if tery care about their kids on this actual unhollogrammed reality...  well get making vids on super simple livin...  or if they cannot well...... get them to fund someone  ..sexier than me... who may have meant her...question... calls herself s filmmaker i doubt it but... knows some OK films... La G B.. ." 

anyway yes drat... sexontwolegs Sabine ... may have beaten me to it... 

but then hang on.

( excerpt from the BREXIT get Corby in as he will dither and DOMEthing may ..turn up.... solo campaign  2017 - 15 december 2019... Sean.. philosopher... London brain for years er heard....and avid "  pro EU" man  actually campaigning in Hay square day before election,  to SPLIT the  anything but blue vote!!! ( film one day he so dull )

" not only mr farmer / or other general ignorant  loudestmouth  Eastenders addicted cafe owner from they pay more per hectar than  any YUK gov ever will...ever.. and paid for your rugger stadium Knighton...  and all the village halls around...  but my experience as a younger man ....sorry even the Germans are ten yimes better in the sac... but move on to the Frogs... surprisingly the Spanish... man ...your kids NEED to be brothersisterly as possible so that they can... learn to be a  fully 

d desirable'  'human' ... or even a bit good in the sac..."

or as stated on the pathway a few days ago to fine silverback... and she 

laughed ..and meant it.... " comes down to it i'm over the edge... all Eurobabes i ever  had any carnals with... different universe, or continent at least... thats what thrit  homoerotic pinup Nige did "

however ( i only discovered a year ago  an extremely do pukka British Empire chappie  in his late 60s i got yo know actual Vulcan squadron leader - mister nuke... Dr Strangelove in person!!   i helping his daughter with pr a bit, married do conservative its daft..

 lives krautland .

 talking of back home... even a small hamlet like his, the size of Gwerk, has a massive many roomed public ammenity space all weekend... all... 24 hrs non stop... both nights.... and very well attended....

.....  swinger wifeswapping and truly  everything carnal goes.... in every other small town he assured... 

had i known this my campaign around The Marches ... 10,000 km by old bike... over 3 years ..may have....worked) 

...oh yes all i care about is my notepads...

ferkety ferk... Sabine the sexontwolegs,  may just have done it...

with her superb oratory and intellect, two..equally...

but hang on... there is one kind of woman far sexier than eveen a superestsexy German nuclear scientist doubtless privately trying to make a homemade Oppenheimer....and get revenge.

and sorry dancing is always fake, performing... never sexy... impossible to be sexy on a stage,  or cleared hall room...

only subtly,  not in any way available is really  really the few hetros in YUK to scaredy cat to tick their  rightfully earned census box ...know

one kind if woman  whom rightly in this culture is derided in some part but in other parts... we all know

day in and out she must occasionally peek...into the smut...




I could still het my tightful copyright...

oops i let slip... 

and there again

tights rather than rights


only old fashioned ones wear them...

... and i havent got this far.... with the impenetrable not being 100% on message...all...the way

i bet she didnt burn my number before not blowin it into the wind

" lost"
