
Tuesday, 27 February 2024

If only my eaten alive lass

 " [2016 with her 10 year older chapie] ..ohh dad blub blub...  the plight of wimmin of the world..... so terrib..."

" that little ditty you told me about, your fave.... i thought rather splendid after a bit.....

" I mean jolly stirring and supreme musicallity....  but cmon....Siouxsi had about ten... as loud and sweaty...  and exceptional Mozart uktragenius  musicality....  no one else was quite as  real new music as her... blokes got the prob if y'ask me .. "

" furthermore the menchildren of so called Malevolent heavy rock..i am quite sure i see pretending to be men, having retired due shit sales and exhaustion, from droppin a guitar on their toe...... and spend their meagre stipend

on pathetic little pieces of plastic  . ... looking like some ferkin Elon Musk on the top of one of his rockets off to good riddance as they leap out of their vans performing hipzters of a galactic new paradigm... and disturb me as theyre  goin on about 5 cm or 6 cm waves...yonder

real musicians can still keep it hope goin pretty rancid old bag...and...

But dare she tell us...

like the only great 16 pages i read for some years,  still there the only thing in my inbox... it doesnt tell me what to think of the tightrope.... likely needed to pull her old banger unless.... 

And i got no idea what Siouxsi... 

is on about

which is geniusest if all writing so...

only geniuses dare fly that high...

shame one fell, scaredy cat no safety net under a real griwnup, tightrope... i guess...

( yet more Aunty seem mighty; prejudice not to have  made a balanced one about camelfuckers and the fact that women made to wear loadsa cloth in the sunshine actually DO die earlier

.. spesh in childbirth where vitamin d deficiency is a major cause of the complication in preggercy called ' death' ..  too.... )