
Friday, 16 February 2024

I time... to sit and stare

 .....I hope she didn't mind.

I think she saw,

had she second 

sight,  into my mind: 

I  saw you. 

Skinny, nose like hers...

It could amost, Be

And .my my so lined: life, or 'cares'?

A simple skirt, above the knee

Black socks  topping off, just below .

Bit of leg in between, healthily ringworm free

Red trainers, quite modern style- a funny incongruity 

I hope you do not mind.

I watched you sat in the car, speaking with your daughter

About as old as us. 

Your eyes so alive, as the sun your centre stage spotlight,  delivered all of you  to me.

 your smile a well earned one, i could tell,  

Your gestured interest in the buildings around,

  speaking of a mind still keen to know

But it was all of you, your all; even earlier i watched, almost little girl on the pavement, awaiting mum out of the shop.

 But no need for sweeties

ascetic- the civilised  agnostic definition , simple,  complete. 

Powerfully aside, even their their word ' now"

Hapilly  Be ing, just alive, just stood aside  a street.

And i just  .. ....

....well i was changed.

Thinking what a simply beautiful facealive, fully " human" 

A  really really cofinready, 

all life done, old one.

Spring chicken, 

 two for one

Even oldage, they still can Be...

I don't mind waiting, 

after all...

. .   .

a world record worst poem ever, the  five 

minutes, onnit her face

to this page, shows

never mind poetry such a waste of time, even 5 mins; four and a half wasted...

But i didnt need to take a picture, as i know when you see true beauty at peace,  she will still be mindseye  there, til the end of time...mine anyway