
Tuesday, 6 February 2024

I shall define "moral" for the only fine mind i encountered...

( library earlier many loons bobbin about impossible to concentrate but work must be done...i do get it mind you,  2 hrs under puksating strong  flourescent lights  no windows ... something i never do....god it makes you fee9l in " human" ...)

I assume the love and care for someone else's child was real... i know it was.



I know why

Nothing personal, there's no hope faced with this lot ( all about here); define:

And incidentally there is a brilliant book called The High Mountains of Portugal, even if they have been surpassed in my silly mind, by The High Mountains of Serbia... as a prefect romantic [ best sense of the word, just bellieving on goodness] and also ubermoral place to ....die...

And as i schism from Mr Schism... this 22 Feb, i am not fearful of any memories, even the last one worth having and this shall Be my screen fact lets do it now

so Portugal high mtd

I read around 2018
section 3 interestingly absurdist
but exactly as tnis lot here abd back ex home there are... entirely without any kind of purpose except pretend trendy ones which are only excuses to DO nothong ever

So,  poignant time - the full version
of 2020 and 21


Most days

down here first to my office.... even if talk about the definition of 'bittersweet'.
( her ' friend' ... so damaging to the local river... as the science expert told me a decade before...)

A photo from 16th April last year... every day i checked, still.... for a ... (to Be cont)

in the hills last valentine ...up to write a poem... my my my heart was in my mouth
.. what is the tragedy here  ?  very few people walked my  old hills...

for ..
 i forget... a few weeks ago reprise how to 
win against Jack Straw..
he heard...
and plotted hedgehogs ..but you never can 
nor ever will you so suing is for children..

 oh yes a friend once,  well...  i wondrr when she will if ever be ready to  do what she did at least know was necessary for only her sake..
" my [ unnecessary, just anoythrr trendy club for the lonely]  NA group... we speak a lot of the last adfiction often replacing all the others... people pleasing... and how we must be open about all our addictions...  i keep gently reminding my  nrw mentorees in my eeekly workshops..."  but as i put a lot of my life into getting that brown child nack to mum.. and the other two...  i almost hope ...for their sakes the one up here .. mum guaranteed 2020 dhe was coming on holiday to counsel... at my behest.. free superhols ... in return for the counselling if a sister 'addict' i lindof hope she didnt make it through... thenmum can learn how yo mothrr her own.. the real version.... let folk down after months of promises ... that get passed on and even the junky smiles a vaguely "human" smile...

words have consequences...   msybe  even  arguably 'immoral' 
( but that real story soon.... i have one no one not even someone poisined by the  fey friends of Gwerk... can argue with...and a  1000 page book.. all 3gb of it.... i uploaded here thisaft...

( nothing to do with anything, both her dad and mum couldnt be ones.. so " will you fix my daddy's house"  # 3 3 years.. just a sickness all 3 i guess) 

29 July 2023
at her creek
I dont mind i always find most of what i need



fixing sirting as i spent years... so much hard work saving wood for reuse
regions ( later) 

"i come from a place that does not exist" moan...

The badges 

that cannot be worn in my past region...

real England...

Mrs Rachman and in fact her whole horrid bullyboy Kington... 

i had to not even hint my identity..... 5 years... .or youre " OUT" 

with violence


for Sarah bloody fabulous minister of abuse shadowy or not  and guilty of setious abuse herzelf or not .Champion

you need rhetoric lessons!

( ALL my saner many many  interiewees  the last 3 or 4 years rspecially,  to a women [ no point talking to men for 3 + years] ! agree.. the RHETORIC...has been didastrous 15... or more...  we can help... especially me i cant do it so well myself ... but i know when its real.... and what works...) 

define moral tomorrow morning.... 
imagine 20 or more of those perfect Natural Store women...  bobbon between yoga, " community" flower sales operations..... dancin workshops...tie dye ...  gojii berries...

well they arrived my last region 17 years ago one by one... well,  tribes in fact...

yurt by 2 grand yurt...

all a sort of gradual 'collective' collecting all the grant cadh in the area as they go....

supermums..yummymums...  all runnong lovely little Mossy tupe workshops at a fiver a pop ( when before always £2 max) 

now tgats just every fake hippie from Worcester Bristol Birmingham London ( they hid it there) 

but... they ALL.. knew their  [ healer]   princess  Zoe and  prince brown Mark her man.. unimpeachable..almost yogi guri man.....and father their  two children... 

 well not only does Zoe abduct them to the yoga  farms of Portugal.... 
so be it... but a few years later... poor Mark could never 'let go and had shown hundreds 
of them... Zoes ... book... it opens " i am the one, the light..."  or may Be not but same implication

she wass shanan second seer...

 by about page 100..her diaries.....dressed up as her the 'chosen' one... it catalogues her harm to her children.. clearest words, surprisingly...

mark for years .. the most smangerless man ever....made dure the many hotyoga  false hippie " community" far and wide....( the whole Marches)   knew every word ... 

 But ff a few years Mark unable to 'let go' of his actual hidden anger and pain..

" mark for the 20th time this full time week.. stop... i know your pain... and inability not to wish to hurt her.... behind that smiley mask....  but its real life now.. 50 50 you are dead in only 6 more months of it.... .  they all know her... they were after all  knowing her scam   to illegally claim all her tax credits  at the top queen  hotyoga healer goddess Dots old place....while abroad..for years

they know of Zooes admission of child abuse....

... in her own hand... tbey run the creches and kiddie workshops  at superrich Gwerk on Hay , by Hikatys will even have DBS...  if i need her to go out and retrieve the kids....  as i have arranged at your mums expense... with a no prosecution pledge rit in blood...mine too...

one of them surely will at least help persuade her to return your kids just yo day goodbye before you...die... the painful full body cancer of the throat... and belly....

i will tell you what the word moral means, and what it is FOR

being fuckin human...

And guess what the end if the story was...

good read Zoes .... thingumy
