last, but one
video being made I champion Sarah Chamion
even if
I have long ago discovered in life you are only 'safe' with folk who at least are in the vicinity of folk who grow their own veg, and ... even better would be, that they have phases of life riding an old bike...
And having myself only ever once paid a political party £1, even if vote harvesting for the hairdye party, some call ' Green', and reds too
a bit ( isdue being no Marches reds ever left their towncentre pubs and are all terrified of nature)
Having joined my lass to his party the very day he got his 2016 landslide and a year later ''anti' something or other not worth mentioning or quotes, becomes the badge they jab in everyones eyes...
i looked " i want my money back all one quid of it! for a junior member!" never mind tp protect her reputation...
and saw crystal clear with my own eyes and only one search, how the 'Labour' woman well protected by three other People of the Book around her - stall at Party conf was it 2017? maybe 16... cried wolf to a very good question asked on film by a journalist... and you could hear her plotting im person own words and even ser a not very good act! how to to turn a straightforward neutral question into an anti something or other trope ...
and plenty of later on undercover vid capturing the extremely well paid numerous hipster beardy lobbyists of Zion having cuppas with folk in London making it clear they would pay up, royally, for ANY turncoat, pretend anti '[ my] People of the Book ' ...falsies
But then a sane woman also accepts, i guess, the People ( of Hay-onWye, forex) so thick even the glitteratti turn on him JC 1, the one 2k ago a falsie, too....due daily 4chan propoganda, ... give up... no way back...