December 2022.. i think, i never check my records and chronicles..i dont need to.
" My my proof you arent s narcissist like all the rest of the butterfly farm of scatteted no brains left just airy dreams..... you remembered another 'human' me
had told you i was getting the the dentist this morn ...i am in shock! [ i did register also on their list ' my fiancee .. she will be if you can give her some of youtoo she says she needs' ... a year on they still havent called me.... and they promised : ' probably only a month to wait for her turn for free NHS.. registration '...i have the record..]"
even if it was by text
face to face " geee you remembered...i told you that my only pleasure movie site last week as EEE blocking, voda i kindof really am in shock....and you are checking if last ever sim talk talk and i never even asked you ... will it make a difference if i write with my fountain pen a real letter to your boss telling her best if dozens i have ever dealt with?!"
i believed her look..
Meanwhile back in the real world that was just a faerie tale ( hahh hahh at last Rima the crowdfunding schemer, cannot take the TRUTH either.. )
Solomon it is said
the wisest man ever
shagging 18 year olds on his death bed
what a fool
given the only two "humans" met for years n years...
who recall the words of
Even if the sultry twenty six year old
smiley too
" and i only consume a gig a month at most researching porn for writing purposes..or understanding society... i would tell women i knew .. the first newmerm of 2020 forex.. friend... 2 young kids.. ... hmm i wouldnt if i were you.... you were there as a young woman naive... just sybarite.. but to emmo fully forever..... go to . .. its quite shocking.... really sick especially if on the porbhub version run from Ameley Herefordshire Merm city.. . it realy is 99% stick it up the bum... like they have some weird infantile bumhole thing ....only a bum makes em cum
.. . a grown up knows up the bum
is frankly
no fun..
and right womenhating dodgy into the bargain...
ferk this sim's one of themtoo
if at a tenner a month
i can relax with vumoo
one ohhh...
no you dont
.... only women my age group silly solomon too italian porn a child to know
'relating' is what even deepest .. real erotic sexy working, longterm, desire ..... with an equal mature grown up
ones own age
group at least
and i could never....
to you
to me as floppy as Iti porn...
but one day... as the only other fine woman i have heard, with my own ears, can remember a coherent ongoing dialog in communication....with another person.... quit the horror movies ... you are too good for that... if there are any left you will make some other "human" a very specialest 'human' ..