
Wednesday, 28 February 2024

מושך את הרגל שלך

 you can't win....

All these .... maybe it is a hologram 

Endless digital torture, having been authenticity tested, i am immune, and " bulletproof" which in real mindful zen therapy is a real cure... but it is so dull....

One, the only interesting one,  and her post first blocking  activity, of still reading my private pages to her.( many).. except her birthday present one, a whole website for her to write in.. she shadobannedgadlit.....  she now.... doesnt.... block;  and The "dusky beautiful" Israelite  from 

whom i merely wish to hear what d.b. ( mermish) israelites are going through..

 .. because i happened across a more dusky beautiful one than her i fixated on,  surname Karat,  preaching kibbutzy world peace i thought interesting.... and tried to ask the nuance of that rather enjoyed K word, but shes clearly been made..... unavailable...... 

But the d.b. who complains to me of .. a cultural construct.. and gets her apology 

I told her " block me, in case  i get weak, and message again,  seeking good real conversation ... "  upon getting the most potentially upsetting truth in a message as to 'why EU' post ( PLEASE note UK the baddies,  yes dear aS[c]erbic one.. uk  complicit in 1947 effnic knockin off... indeed clearly will have encouraged it... i bet they started it!!..   encouraging delightful proto-zion to go around Jennying the poor '47 Pallies .. early evidence of

 " and before you make jokes about Serbian cookery  [ the only woman ive encountered decades with a real tested perfect genius real  sense of humour! i never knew i needed...until she proved hers] you lot should be in The Hague first..."

Anyway is she pulling my leg not blocking me?..the d.b. .

and may Be ..

 but which 'she' ? 


this is not in the script. i am flumoxxed...

I love being blocked,  its a very easy 'emotion' to read (" i didnt grow up"),  it makes life


but as wittgenstein knew ...if a word exists in a language

it makes .. creates...the way of thinking

 this clearly is a draw as

wow we have

and its one of my favourite phrases ofyen hard to translate to a non muvvatonguer...

povlačeći nogu


מושך את הרגל שלך

it does look a bit prettier in my  more muvvatongue Peep of The Book lingo...

And one may Be safer there ... and it is warm... 

and they even have some famous 'Heights'

bet theyre just pathetic hillocks 

 and covered in guns.. 

Parents knew, 15 years ago... if ones kid could refuse to engage in "human" normal convo even if hurtful...  had some magic option, like fingers in ears....

it will destroy their humanity and personhood...

ohhh and Zuckerberg invented it.... far far far more evil than the dope mining  like but

blocking buttons block... growing up....

i cannot test The Israelite's Iron Dome though as clearly she will  plead ... some  bloody excuse for needing 'sensitivity'....

Anyway theyre all exhaustingly so stucklydull... and so waste time energy, 

and [ their] life .. i am a good  effical ratcatcher... and  they should Be recycled, too..   all into them saying what they are able to say... 

silly little Eckhart all the same they pimp forever youngness... 

when its so much more youngfeeling real Be ing what the goddesses require( if it can Be known whats im their wonky cookbook), get past 53ish.. Be the actually USEFUL ' elder' you are...

And as i know what elderism is... presenting a vaguely authoratative calm coherent stream of wisdom ... ( or a good luv story as love trumps all wisexracks) .. i need to fill in gaps, and groom this  year of material, into a bit more coherent whole... soon

and then add in the juicy fruit from 5 and more years ago...