" ehh up Mr No name...."
([ hmm weird... we only nattered 2 min a few weeks ago...and he remembers me!!??])
An hour later, in the closing minutes of the year, of this Ralph....
Ok despite the smell of pot that will take a few days to get out of my clothing... he is rather impressive
" i said to you i respect most the N Irish... Sean Mc Phil .... Van and his song of 21.... and ...you are different.... the Gwerk Merm look.. but youse a super sharp real thing if a well efucated man of the people's revolutionary... "
The chronicles doth record:
" but man... we need you as at least... our adivisor... our sage ... [ the tin Pot, freestate art anarcho artyanarchist.. bitcoin mining revolutionaries of a very dodgy very druggy famous town.town] .. "
" you... [ to the 25 year old born'n..] now the smirk is off... you are impressive, too....youvreally are.... but i ... stopped...
.. over.
gave up....
nope... no helpmeet no causes... ever again..... and anyway made it clear over a year ago thats me, stopped... and i keep to what i say..... even the 'cause' of establishing a new freestate country 12 miles offshore... nope... no interest... but my one piece of advice, is...cos ive been going around, and LISTENING ... especially to the richer incame Merms...just one thing. you are strong on and they wont hiss back or call in the troopers... "
I'll infill another day..
Except to say i used to be frightened of the tin pot lot.. a year ago, no time to maybe... Be something else, and bridge... even with them
... i have ..changed.