cannot teach you anything about " desire"
I know as i was tempted... last July,
But knew 'automatically' ( the polite version) ...just a few real values such as " truth is they all fuck their kids up" is 100 times ...
in fact its another universe of real " desire"... that owns your mind and body as it should...
mere bodily desire is for kids.
this my ' authenticity' hinted at for months was waiting for best pure zen mood to handwrite, but no point living ( the last ever 7 hrs of my life wasted on pretend writer... mo more)
clear the desk spit it out....
Authenticity. 100 times more truly desirable than bodily "desire"
or in google drive
in other words " i know someone who i desire to Be with due her unique values... which is a different universe of desire ... than merely just a stupendously sexy and bonus content ...... other lesser form of desire.. and i dont even have to think about it... thats ... proven in my actions and bodily response.. "