only poetical fun now
especially as at last i have found a GREAT guide
this one, is heart in the mouth
this one should not exist she is so real....
from my monthly pilfered pile ..
never pilfered as i look after books NO matter what
as per 40 years of them still in store 55 quid a month... 3 years ...oh well
and they these many pilferated, will return one day to the 'universe' in as good nick, as new, they are merely ' borrowed'
this one
is real
i am in love
with a writer
a REAL one
for the second time in only 14 months
there is good writing thats from a real heart... even held out in the light for all to see,
between Katarina's legs
in her 16 pages
and the
but i do know my own ' poetical' sort of splurgy riff... a whole year of it
the full range of media
all together.... is a 'form' just as good
net effect
the same
and that was never my plan
( even if " what do you want?" ... " to find a man who is a poet too" ... boxticked,even if a year too late.... and rather a long one)
but it needs infilling many audios and photos left out
i may be some... time
it WILL ... Be finished
one day